Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How to Effectively Manage Child Food Allergies

How to Effectively Manage Child Food Allergies

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How to Effectively Manage Child Food Allergies

By: Jack Sands

As a parent, it is very important for your child to have everything. You would want everything to be the best for your child and this is why most parents work very hard in order to give their children their needs and their wants. You work hard in order to give your child the best possible living conditions, nutritious and delicious foods, enroll them to the best schools, and you also want them to have the best toys that they can play with.

As you can see, it is quite natural for you as a parent to want the best in everything for your child in order for them to grow up healthy as well as happy. However, there comes a time where your child gets sick. Today, there are numerous cases of child food allergy that can severely affect your child's way of life.

With a child food allergy, you have to take care and closely monitor what your child eats. Because they still don't have an idea about what foods they can eat and what foods they cannot eat, it is very necessary that you should always keep an eye out for your child. However, if they are now going to school, you have to consider that their classmates may eat food that their child is allergic from. You have to realize the fact that your children just might want to taste it. And, with you at the office, working very hard for your child, you can't always keep an eye out for your child and tell them that they can't eat the food.

First of all, allergies are triggered by histamines. Although histamines are normally found in animal dander, and in pollens, it can also be found in certain foods. In fact, some people are allergic to a lot of foods that they have to know what they are eating. You also have to know how allergies work in order to fully understand how you can manage it. Allergies are triggered when your child ingests histamine. Histamines are normally considered to be harmless in the human body, however, when a person is allergic to it, the white blood cells or the immune systems overreacts and attacks the histamine. This also triggers the body to experience sneezing, runny nose, and swelling in different parts of the body. This is considered to be your body's self defense when they encounter an alien object in your body.

There are severe cases of allergies that some children experiences that can really affect their life. In some cases of allergy attacks, you may need to take your child to the hospital. This is why it is very important that you should identify what kind of food is allergic from.

Usually, child food allergy is triggered by histamines in peanuts and in shellfish. Although they may develop allergy to other kinds of food, peanuts and shellfish are the main triggers of allergies.

It is also a great way to keep track of their diet in order for you to identify the causes of allergy attacks in your child. However, it is best that you should consult their pediatrician where they will perform a series of tests that can be used to identify what kind of allergens triggers your child's allergy attacks. To do this, your pediatrician will do a series of lab examination that will include skin tests to determine the causes of the allergy.

By doing this and by knowing about what kind of food your child is allergic to, you will be able to manage the food they eat and give them a more normal life to live.

Information on gluten allergy can be found at Common Food Allergies.

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Eczema Long Term Treatment :Healing Eczema From Within - By : Audrey Ly
Hypnosis Can Be A Potent Tool For Overcoming Asthmatic Attacks - By : Alan B. Densky, CH
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Anaphylaxis Causes

Anaphylaxis Causes

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Anaphylaxis Causes

By: David Done

Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction that occurs in response to a particular trigger. Knowing the symptoms of anaphylaxis may save your life or the life of someone you love.

Allergy Triggers

The most commonly documented causes of anaphylaxis are:

* Food: Food allergies (http://www.epipen.com/causes_food.aspx) are an increasingly common cause of anaphylaxis that result in about 125 deaths each year in the United States.

* Medications: Although the exact incidence of medication allergies (http://www.epipen.com/causes_medications.aspx) is unknown, serious allergic reactions to medications cause the most allergy-associated deaths in the United States every year.

* Insect venom: Insect allergies (http://www.epipen.com/causes_insects.aspx) are common , especially allergies to members of the Hymenoptera order of insects.

* Latex: Latex allergies (http://www.epipen.com/causes_latex.aspx) now affect an estimated 1% to 6% of the U.S. population and the reasons for the increase in incidence can be attributed to biohazard precautions and manufacturing changes.

* Exercise: Exercise-induced anaphylaxis is a form of physical allergy.

In situations where a specific trigger remains unidentified, the patient is said to suffer from idiopathic anaphylaxis.

To learn more about common triggers that cause allergic reactions, please review the material found in food, medication, insect venom, or latex allergies.

Although comprehensive information is not available, the best estimates indicate that as many as 40.9 million people in the United States suffer from severe allergies that may put them at risk for anaphylaxis-and the numbers are growing. This growth has been attributed to the increased exposure to allergens such as latex, peanuts, and insects, particularly fire ants. Moreover, researchers are uncovering a large incidence of anaphylactic drug reactions that have gone unnoticed or were poorly documented in the past.


The most distinctive symptoms of anaphylaxis include:

* Hives

* Swelling of the throat, lips, tongue, or around the eyes

* Difficulty breathing or swallowing

Other common symptoms of anaphylaxis may include:

* A metallic taste or itching in the mouth

* Generalized flushing, itching, or redness of the skin

* Abdominal cramps, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea

* Increased heart rate

* Rapidly decreasing blood pressure (and accompanying paleness)

* A sudden feeling of weakness

* Anxiety or an overwhelming sense of doom

* Collapse

* Loss of consciousness

Article source: http://www.epipen.com/causes_main.aspx

Resource Box:

Learn More:
EpiPen® is the #1 doctor prescribed treatment for those with a history of anaphylaxisplease visit the website for more information about allergy .

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Alleviating Dust Mite Allergies - By : Dave Davies
Practical Ways to Prevent and Manage Allergy Symptoms - By : Jessica Vandelay
Peanuts Can Kill! - If you are allergic to them. - By : Roger Henry
Information on Asthma and Allergies - By : Perry Smith
Indoor air quality: How important is it? - By : Kunbi Balogun
Infant Allergies - Breast Feeding Can Exacerbate Allergic Reactions - By : Ron King
Eczema Long Term Treatment :Healing Eczema From Within - By : Audrey Ly
Hypnosis Can Be A Potent Tool For Overcoming Asthmatic Attacks - By : Alan B. Densky, CH
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Alleviating Dust Mite Allergies

Alleviating Dust Mite Allergies

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Alleviating Dust Mite Allergies

By: Dave Davies

Your home could play host to hundreds of thousands, even millions, of tiny little bugs called dust mites. The dust mite is related to a spider, and so tiny that you couldn't see them. They love to live in warm humid environments. They feed off dead skin cells. They could be in your carpet, your furniture, even your bed.

To most people, these little bugs are harmless. Some, however, become allergic, by breathing in the 'dust' that dust mites leave behind. This can cause wheezing, sneezing, watery eyes or just general allergic reactions. If you experience indoor allergy like symptoms, especially after laying down in bed for an extended period of time, you could be allergic to dust mites. If you think you do, you can talk to your doctor about getting a skin test. The test will let you know if you are allergic to dust mites or something else.

There are a few things you could do to alleviate allergies due to dust mites. You could get rid of the mites that infest your home. There are also allergy shots and medications you can get to help with your symptoms. Different techniques work with different people, and can help alleviate dust mite allergies.

Getting Rid Of Dust Mites in Your Home

Dust mites can exist everywhere. Usually in areas like carpet or cloth. They like to feed off of the dead skin cells that your body sheds. The most common location for dust mites, and usually the most common problem area, is your bed. For every ounce of dust, there could be 30,000 dust mites.

Since the bed is usually the most common place for dust mites and it seems to be the main problem, this is probably the main focus for many in limiting dust mites. You can't really expect to kill them all off and keep them away, but you can limit your contact with them in your home.

Dust mite covers are designed to not let dust mites get through the material. You can get one for your bed and some for your pillows. While you can't eliminate all dust mites, a dust mite cover will trap dust mites in your bed and in your pillow.

You should also wash your bedding regularly, in very hot water. Washing your bedding regularly will help get rid of the dust mites and the dust left behind. Adding bleach to the laundry will help clean it too. (Remember to use color safe bleach when bleaching colored fabrics.)

Massive Home Changes to Get Rid Of Dust Mites

If simply using the right type of covers on your bed isn't enough, there are other ways to get rid of the majority of your dust mites. One of the most common recommendations is to purchase a dehumidifier. These devises get rid of the humidity in rooms.

Dust mites love warm and humid areas. By getting rid of the humidity, you deter mites. Keeping the humidity level at 50% or below will help a lot. Just remember to clean the dehumidifier as instructed.

Another way to get rid of mites is to get rid of the stuff that they are attracted to. Get rid of most of your carpeting, or cloth-covered places where mites like to be. Of course, if you love your carpeting, you could always be sure to clean it properly. Many vacuums are labeled if they are able to get rid of dust mites. Look for vacuums with a HEPA filter.

You can also shampoo your carpet clean once in a while. Just remember to thoroughly dry out the carpet as required. Leaving it somewhat moist will only re-attract more mites. There are also some powders that have pesticides in it to help get rid of mites.

When it comes down to it, the best way to limit the dust mites in your home is to set up a routine and keep your house clean. You can eliminate the work by getting rid of carpets, or simply work around it using specialized cleaners.

Medications That Help With Dust Mite Allergies

If you suffer from dust mite allergies, there are some medications that will help you feel better. Avoiding places in your home where dust mites remain, and cleaning up areas where they frequent is the best way to handle dust mite allergies. However, if you still need some relief, there are medications that can be prescribed, or you can buy over the counter.

A good over the counter solution to allergies are the popular name brands that you can get in any supermarket or pharmacy. These medications include Benadryl and Claritin. There are also decongestants or nasal sprays that can be added as a combination. Make sure you talk to your doctor or pharmacist before you begin taking medications regularly. Check with your doctor if your symptoms continue, or get worse, with treatment, or if you experience any unusual side effects.

Prescription medications are available for those with severe symptoms. You may have seen commercials for Zyrtec or Clarinex on television, medications that are long acting antihistamines. There are also nasal sprays and other products available to help relieve your symptoms.

If you have severe allergic reactions, you might consider getting an injection from the doctor. Allergy injections can help reduce your sensitivity to dust mites and other allergens. These are also called immunotherapy. What happens is you're given an injection once or twice a week to reach the right dosage, and then once that is achieved, you'll get allergy shots every four weeks.

Remember that while you can't get rid of all dust mites, and that some medications might relieve some symptoms, doing a combination might make all the difference. Many people with dust mite allergies live symptom free, or nearly free, lives using different techniques. There are discussion groups online to help discuss ideas and alternatives to treatment and prevention. These groups can also relate how different medications or solutions worked with them. If you know you suffer from allergies, or think you do, contact your doctor to discuss options.

Allergycontrol.com has been providing expert advice about everything you need to know about improving life indoors since 1983. Visit them online to purchase an air purifier, allergy bedding or humidity gauge.

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Anaphylaxis Causes - By : David Done
Practical Ways to Prevent and Manage Allergy Symptoms - By : Jessica Vandelay
Peanuts Can Kill! - If you are allergic to them. - By : Roger Henry
Information on Asthma and Allergies - By : Perry Smith
Indoor air quality: How important is it? - By : Kunbi Balogun
Infant Allergies - Breast Feeding Can Exacerbate Allergic Reactions - By : Ron King
Eczema Long Term Treatment :Healing Eczema From Within - By : Audrey Ly
Hypnosis Can Be A Potent Tool For Overcoming Asthmatic Attacks - By : Alan B. Densky, CH
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Thursday, July 3, 2008

Allergy Symptoms: Natural Ways to Reduce Asthma and Allergy Symptoms

Allergy Symptoms: Natural Ways to Reduce Asthma and Allergy Symptoms

Home | Health And Fitness | Allergies

Allergy Symptoms: Natural Ways to Reduce Asthma and Allergy Symptoms

By: Ben Anton

American television programs of the 1950s taught simple axioms such as Clear Fences Make Good Neighbors and If You Don't Have Anything Nice To Say, Don't Say Anything At All. In that simple golden era, severe allergies were extremely rare among the population, so something like a potentially lethal bee sting provided more than enough material for a thirty-minute comedic episode.

Since then, television has become less wholesome, ethics and plotlines more complex, and severe allergies more common. In fact, the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey found that 60 million Americans suffer from allergies, and the CDC and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases both report that the number of Americans with allergies has been on the rise for the last ten years.

Various aspects of the modern lifestyle could be to blame. Some say climate change due to global warming has elongated blooming seasons, creating especially intense periods when different species' pollen release periods overlap. A Harvard University study suggests that trees may also be releasing more pollen in response to increased levels of carbon dioxide. Increased indoor and outdoor pollution, stress, and diets high in processed foods and low in fiber may contribute to higher incidence of allergies. Finally, some follow the "hygiene hypothesis," that our increased use of anti-bacterial products has worked all too well: everything in our homes and offices is so free of germs nowadays that our bodies are effectively defenseless against newer, nastier bacteria.

Whatever the cause, as the number of allergy sufferers rises, more and more are opting for naturopathic treatments, and turning away from the quick fixes promised by allergy pills or shots. Some choose naturopathy to avoid irritating side effects. Others have found that homeopathic approaches treat symptoms as well as the underlying causes of their allergies. Scientists aren't yet sure why naturopathic methods can often achieve similar, if not better results, than traditional western medicine, but it may have something to do with the breadth of the naturopathic approach, which considers emotional, mental, and whole-body health, rather than limiting treatment to isolated symptoms.

Unfortunately, without enlisting a professional, it's not always easy to find naturopathic treatments for specific allergies. To help our readers, we've compiled the following treatment information for various allergies.


Whether you know your special pollen allergen or simply explain your rasping cough and red eyes as "hay fever," homeopathic methods can help. Many naturopathic experts recommend increasing your fish intake because omega-3 fatty oils have been shown to reduce allergy symptoms. Walnuts, flax seeds, and dark leafy greens are alternative sources of omega-3; a daily supplements are also an option. Try naturopathic eyedrops to naturally soothe itchy, red eyes. Many turn to acupuncture and/or herbs, including nettle and green tea, to knock out their allergies. Flushing the nasal passages regularly with a mixture of warm water and a pinch each of baking soda and sea salt is also a common treatment. Use a spray bottle, nose dropper, or neti pot for application. For a special treat, add a drop of soothing eucalyptus or invigorating tea tree essential oil. Finally, a few precautionary steps, such as regularly cleaning and showering after pollen exposure, could reduce your symptoms.

More Homeopathic Remedies: Arsen Alb, Euphrasia, and Pulsatilla. Essential oils and other applications for each may be found online or at natural food stores.

Molds, Dust Mites and Animal Dander

If you suffer from allergies, your home can be your worst enemy. After all, outside pollens and molds are reduced during cold winter months, but indoor allergens can thrive year-round, an especially nasty prospect given that molds, dust mites, and animal dander are the trigger for many symptoms of asthma. Before you medicate, create a clean, dry environment-without skin dander or moisture, allergens can't survive long. Aim to eliminate as many breeding grounds-such as unnecessary rugs, pillows, and cloth window treatments-as possible. Commit to washing your bedding and remaining rugs in very hot water once a week, along with stuffed animals. Also consider keeping pets out of the bedroom, so that their allergy-inducing dander can't become embedded where you spend half of your life. Last, mattress covers, sometimes called mattress protectors or mattress encasements, are an impenetrable line of defense against allergens, as they effectively block allergens from reaching you and their food supply (your dead skin). These same encasements can be purchased to protect your pillows and crib mattresses as well.

More Homeopathic Remedies: Homeopaths often recommend Arsen Alb, Sabadilla, American Stinging Nettles or Perilla to relieve symptoms associated with dust mite allergies. If, after a clean environment is created in and around your bed, allergies still seem to persist at home, consider asking your doctor or naturopathic expert about taking these supplements.

~Ben Anton, 2008

We invite you to visit the CleanRest website to learn more about reducing asthma symptoms at home by protecting mattresses and pillows with allergen-impermeable bedding covers.

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Peanuts Can Kill! - If you are allergic to them. - By : Roger Henry
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Hypnosis Can Be A Potent Tool For Overcoming Asthmatic Attacks - By : Alan B. Densky, CH
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