Saturday, December 1, 2007

UV Air Purifiers and Negative Ionizers Minimize Harmful Effects of Secondhand Smoke

Smoking is a habit that many people find hard to break. However, with a recent law being passed in California that will take effect next year, some adults are realizing that the consequences of smoking extend to their pocketbook. The law states that as of January 2008, adults will face a $100 fine for smoking in a vehicle that carries children. This law is enforced as long as the traffic stop was made for another infraction (i.e., making a U-turn or speeding). This law will be in addition to a number of smoking prohibitions already adopted in California including a ban on smoking in enclosed workplaces and within 25 feet of a playground.

Although laws prohibiting smoking in vehicles with underage children is not in affect in all states, the health risks reach across all geographic boundaries. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, "secondhand smoke in cars can be up to 10 times more of a health risk than secondhand smoke in a home." Due to the health risk that smokers place on themselves, as well as on their children, it is imperative to find a way to improve the air quality both within our vehicles and throughout our homes. Thankfully, this task is made possible with the proper and consistent use of UV air purifiers.

In order to reap all the benefits of pure air, a UV clarifier must eliminate a wide variety of air pollutants besides just cigarette smoke. A UV light unit, known as an air probe sanitizer, has the ability to remove airborne viruses, bacteria, mold, mildew, dust, pollen, and pet dander that surround us on a daily basis. By utilizing an air probe sanitizer such as this, approximately ninety-five percent of germs are killed, resulting in the dissipation of tobacco smoke, prevention of odor, minimization of wall and fabric stains that are often prevalent in a smoker's vehicle or home furnishing, and a reduction of harmful illnesses and diseases related to second-hand smoke.

An air probe sanitizer contains a UV germicidal bulb which produces purifying hydroxyls, negative ions, and ultraviolet light that is used to clean indoor air of pollutants just as these elements do naturally in the air outdoors. To get the most benefits, it is recommended that the UV light unit is installed in a building's HVAC (Heating, Venting, and Air Conditioning) system. One of the many benefits of ultraviolet air purification systems are that they need only minimal care and produce tremendous results. Every HVAC system has the ability to utilize a UV clarifier, and after only twenty-four hours of use, air is cleaned so that one can actually feel the difference of the UV disinfection.

The UV light unit also produces negative ions, which are generated by electricity and provide a number of benefits. Negative ions energize, decrease anxiety, improve the function of the lungs' cilia (which are harmed by tobacco smoke), improve sleep, lower resting heart rates, decrease the lifespan of viruses, lessen the severity of stomach ulcers (which are also aggravated by tobacco smoke), and keep air fresh. As air circulates inside a building, these negative ions go to work and destroyed harmful particulates found in tobacco smoke and other air pollutants.

Finally, the UV clarifier, or air probe sanitizer, produces hydroxyl radicals. These radicals form when hydrogen molecules are pulled from water molecules in the air's natural humidity by the ultraviolet light of a UV germicidal bulb. The resulting hydroxyls are said to be one of the most effective purifying agents in the earth's atmosphere, working indoors as they do outside, and are known to be extremely efficient at destroying odors, such as that of tobacco smoke.

While most of us spend the majority of our time indoors, there is still a significant amount of time spent in tightly confined areas such as a vehicle while traveling to or from work, running errands, or taking a weekend road trip. Although the quality of air is often ignored when driving, it is important to understand how cigarette smoke and other harmful pollutants affect us even with minimal time spent in a vehicle.

Joaquin Barnoya, MD, MPH, and colleagues have concluded that the heart damage caused by secondhand smoke rivals that of active smoking. Additionally, even minimal exposure of secondhand smoke may have a "rapid and large" impact on the heart, much like that of air pollution. It is reported that "the heart effects of even brief secondhand smoke exposure are about 80% to 90% as large as that from chronic active smoking."

So, while some neglect to realize how simply having an occasional smoke with children, or anyone for that matter, in the vehicle, the health consequences can be severe as these harmful particulates imbed themselves in the fibers of the car and continue to circulate long after the cigarette has been put out. Although eliminating the exposure to cigarette smoke is ideal, for those who wish to extend the health benefits associated with UV clarifiers, car ionizers are extremely beneficial. This form of ionic air cleaner utilizes similar technology to that used in home-based UV clarifiers to greatly reduce pollutants and auto exhaust particulates. By simply plugging a car ionizer into your vehicle's lighter receptacle, it goes to work cleaning your car air from airborne impurities such as road exhaust, particles, dust, smoke, mold, pollen, and other allergens.

Despite significant efforts of national health organizations as well as new laws being enacted, tobacco use continues. While the best solution is to avoid smoke, this avenue is not always possible, as most of us at least encounter secondhand smoke on an occasional basis. Whether you are a smoker or not, using a UV air purification system provides tremendous health benefits, ensuring that you breathe clean and healthy air.

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