Thursday, October 18, 2007

Chemical Sensitivity: Alleviating the Acute Ailments

Studies show that seventeen to thirty-four percent of Americans experience symptoms related to extreme chemical sensitivities. For these sufferers, the slightest amount of chemical, undetectable to the average person, can result in a multitude of mild to severe ailments ranging from decreased concentration to sinus trouble to acute abdominal pain. While avoiding all chemicals is clearly the ultimate remedy for this disorder, controlling the air of an environment is usually a much more feasible solution.

Multiple chemical sensitivity, as its name suggests, is characterized by an extreme sensitivity to multiple chemicals. This sensitivity affects various systems of the body and can result in a wide array of symptoms, including digestive upset, headaches, chronic fatigue, memory loss, muscle pain, numbness, and ear, nose, and throat irritation. It is a chronic disorder which improves when the chemical sources triggering the symptoms are not present.

Also referred to as MCS, multiple chemical sensitivity is believed to occur when a person becomes "sensitized" to a certain chemical, often due to heightened exposure. Once this sensitization occurs, any contact with even the slightest amount of that chemical can result in a severe allergic reaction. Even more aggravating to the sufferer is that this sensitivity expands to include many other toxicants which are often a part of everyday life, such as medications, raw fuels, paint, pesticides, food additives, new carpet, scented products, and solvents.

While avoiding these chemicals is improbable, it is important to do everything possible to eliminate chemicals which trigger a reaction as any repeated contact will only heighten sensitivity. Once the chemical sources are addressed, air purification can help to maintain an uncontaminated environment. This is crucial as even a trace amount of irritant, unobserved by and harmless to most people, can cause a severe reaction in those with MCS.

An ultraviolet air purification system that produces hydroxyl radicals and negative ions is a proven means of reducing chemical pollutants in indoor air. Both hydroxyls and negative ions are a natural part of the earth's atmosphere, and both are known to be significant cleansers of outdoor air pollution. Scientists have incorporated this knowledge into the technology of a UV air purifier to eliminate hazardous pollutants, such as mold, bacteria, and chemicals, from indoor air in the same way these natural cleansers work outdoors.

Hydroxyl radicals are, in fact, Earth's most powerful natural cleansers, and a UV air purifier utilizes technology that employs UV lighting to accomplish the same effect. As air passes through the ultraviolet air purification system, hydrogen atoms in the air's humidity are pulled from water molecules by ultraviolet light, creating the hydroxyls, which are then released into the air. These hydroxyl radicals not only reduce chemical fumes but are also effective against other pollutants, including viruses and bacteria.

Negative ions work in a different manner to eliminate pollutants. In the earth's natural atmosphere, these ions are formed as air molecules split due to ultraviolet light and moving air or water. In a UV air purifier, the ions are created in the same way with the help of artificial UV lighting and a fan, which moves air through the ultraviolet air purification system. Upon being released by the purifier, the negative ions attract positively charged particulates, such as chemicals and dust, forming clumps which become heavy and fall out of the air.

Besides assisting in the creation of hydroxyl radicals and negative ions, UV lighting has its own natural benefits, and a UV air purifier utilizes this understanding as well as the technology of a HEPA filter. While a HEPA filter traps miniscule particulates, ultraviolet light breaks down the DNA of hazardous micro-organisms, rendering them harmless. When all of these agents (UV lighting, hydroxyls, negative ions, and a filter) are incorporated, a purifier is able to eliminate not only chemicals but virtually all pollutants.

While an ultraviolet air purification system can do much to reduce chemical fumes, it is important to remember that eliminating any exposure to chemical triggers is the ultimate remedy for multiple chemical sensitivity. Once everything possible has been done to remove the chemical sources, the technologies associated with ultraviolet light can help to maintain air quality, alleviating symptoms of MCS as well as providing health benefits for all who breath in the fresh air.

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