Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Improving Indoor Air Quality with UV Sterilizers: Preventing and Minimizing the Affects of Asthma

Recent scientific studies are showing a strong link between being overweight or obese and the increased risk of developing asthma. Although people originally believed that asthma led to obesity because the individual was unable to participate in strenuous physical activity, studies are now indicating that obesity actually triggers asthma.

Although the reason is not yet known, some speculate that people with excess weight have compressed airways which make them more reactive to cold and other asthma triggers. Others believe that is too simplistic of a theory and are looking into a possible genetic link between asthma and obesity.

To fully understand who may be at increased risk for developing asthma, we must understand how the scientific study results were measured. Those that are considered 'normal weight' have a BMI (body mass index) of less than 25. On the other hand, those that are overweight and obese have a BMI of 25-29.0 and above 30, respectively.

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the airways making them sensitive to allergies or other things found in the air that causes irritation. As the airways react to sensitive particles found in the air, they constrict making it difficult to breathe because less air is flowing to the individual's lung tissue. As a result, the asthma sufferer experiences wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing, and chest tightness. In severe cases, this can even lead to death.

It is estimated that approximately 7% of the U.S. population suffer from asthma, but with obesity rates at 65%, the incidence of asthma is also expected to rise dramatically. Additional studies have proven that obese and overweight people are 50% more likely to get asthma than those of normal weight.

Whatever the link may be between obesity and asthma, it is imperative to find a way to control the asthma so that people affected can live active lives with few and infrequent symptoms. Thankfully, there is hope from a source that many may not have even considered - UV (ultraviolet) light disinfection.

Ultraviolet lamps and light bulbs provide the protection from harmful particulates that we all face on a daily basis by destroying VOC's (volatile organic compounds). Unlike other methods that some people rely on such as vacuums and air purification methods that don't utilize the power of ultraviolet light or negative ions, the results are limited. However, with UV clarifiers, the indoor air is cleaned, purified, and freshened as the UV sterilizer employs UV light to cleanse the air of harmful particulates that further irritate the lungs of overweight and obese individuals suffering with asthma.

However, a UV clarifier is not only helpful for people suffering from asthma or those that are overweight or obese and want to prevent their chances of getting asthma. UV purifiers eliminate a wide variety of other air pollutants including airborne viruses, bacteria, mold, mildew, dust, pollen, pet dander, and smoke. As a result, those who utilize the technology found in UV air purifiers can experience a quality of life that may not otherwise be possible.

Many people fail to recognize how many pollutants surround them on a daily basis. While most understand the affects that outdoor pollutants such as city smog, vehicle exhaust fumes, and factory waste have on their health and breathing, yet they often underestimate the toxins that are found inside the homes and buildings we work in on a daily basis. Since most Americans spend 90% or more of their time indoors, gaining control of the indoor air quality will play a significant part in our health and livelihood.

Ultraviolet light has been a trusted source for over fifty years as scientists are continuing to understand that ultraviolet air purification systems are able to provide the same benefits as the UV rays found in sunlight at successfully removing impurities from the air.

A select few air probe sanitizers contain a UV germicidal bulb which produces purifying hydroxyls, negative ions, and ultraviolet light to clean indoor air of pollutants. The UV light unit is installed in a building's HVAC (Heating, Venting, and Air Conditioning) system, needing only minimal care and producing tremendous results. Every HVAC system has the ability to utilize a UV clarifier, and after only twenty-four hours of use, air is cleaned so that one can actually feel the difference of the UV disinfection.

These quick results can be attributed to the fact that the air in a building circulates through an HVAC system from 250 to 400 times per day. As air passes by the UV germicidal bulb of the air probe sanitizer, pollutants are destroyed. Ultraviolet light mutilates the DNA of micro-organisms, causing them to be incapable of reproduction and thus harmless to humans. UV disinfection is the only way to rid indoor air of such tiny micro-organisms as they are too small to be trapped by a filter.

As a result of using an ultraviolet air purification system, your indoor air quality can be improved significantly resulting in cleaner air that is easier to breathe; thus, eliminating health related concerns due to harmful indoor pollutants and allergens.

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