Saturday, December 1, 2007

UV Air Purifiers and Negative Ionizers Minimize Harmful Effects of Secondhand Smoke

Smoking is a habit that many people find hard to break. However, with a recent law being passed in California that will take effect next year, some adults are realizing that the consequences of smoking extend to their pocketbook. The law states that as of January 2008, adults will face a $100 fine for smoking in a vehicle that carries children. This law is enforced as long as the traffic stop was made for another infraction (i.e., making a U-turn or speeding). This law will be in addition to a number of smoking prohibitions already adopted in California including a ban on smoking in enclosed workplaces and within 25 feet of a playground.

Although laws prohibiting smoking in vehicles with underage children is not in affect in all states, the health risks reach across all geographic boundaries. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, "secondhand smoke in cars can be up to 10 times more of a health risk than secondhand smoke in a home." Due to the health risk that smokers place on themselves, as well as on their children, it is imperative to find a way to improve the air quality both within our vehicles and throughout our homes. Thankfully, this task is made possible with the proper and consistent use of UV air purifiers.

In order to reap all the benefits of pure air, a UV clarifier must eliminate a wide variety of air pollutants besides just cigarette smoke. A UV light unit, known as an air probe sanitizer, has the ability to remove airborne viruses, bacteria, mold, mildew, dust, pollen, and pet dander that surround us on a daily basis. By utilizing an air probe sanitizer such as this, approximately ninety-five percent of germs are killed, resulting in the dissipation of tobacco smoke, prevention of odor, minimization of wall and fabric stains that are often prevalent in a smoker's vehicle or home furnishing, and a reduction of harmful illnesses and diseases related to second-hand smoke.

An air probe sanitizer contains a UV germicidal bulb which produces purifying hydroxyls, negative ions, and ultraviolet light that is used to clean indoor air of pollutants just as these elements do naturally in the air outdoors. To get the most benefits, it is recommended that the UV light unit is installed in a building's HVAC (Heating, Venting, and Air Conditioning) system. One of the many benefits of ultraviolet air purification systems are that they need only minimal care and produce tremendous results. Every HVAC system has the ability to utilize a UV clarifier, and after only twenty-four hours of use, air is cleaned so that one can actually feel the difference of the UV disinfection.

The UV light unit also produces negative ions, which are generated by electricity and provide a number of benefits. Negative ions energize, decrease anxiety, improve the function of the lungs' cilia (which are harmed by tobacco smoke), improve sleep, lower resting heart rates, decrease the lifespan of viruses, lessen the severity of stomach ulcers (which are also aggravated by tobacco smoke), and keep air fresh. As air circulates inside a building, these negative ions go to work and destroyed harmful particulates found in tobacco smoke and other air pollutants.

Finally, the UV clarifier, or air probe sanitizer, produces hydroxyl radicals. These radicals form when hydrogen molecules are pulled from water molecules in the air's natural humidity by the ultraviolet light of a UV germicidal bulb. The resulting hydroxyls are said to be one of the most effective purifying agents in the earth's atmosphere, working indoors as they do outside, and are known to be extremely efficient at destroying odors, such as that of tobacco smoke.

While most of us spend the majority of our time indoors, there is still a significant amount of time spent in tightly confined areas such as a vehicle while traveling to or from work, running errands, or taking a weekend road trip. Although the quality of air is often ignored when driving, it is important to understand how cigarette smoke and other harmful pollutants affect us even with minimal time spent in a vehicle.

Joaquin Barnoya, MD, MPH, and colleagues have concluded that the heart damage caused by secondhand smoke rivals that of active smoking. Additionally, even minimal exposure of secondhand smoke may have a "rapid and large" impact on the heart, much like that of air pollution. It is reported that "the heart effects of even brief secondhand smoke exposure are about 80% to 90% as large as that from chronic active smoking."

So, while some neglect to realize how simply having an occasional smoke with children, or anyone for that matter, in the vehicle, the health consequences can be severe as these harmful particulates imbed themselves in the fibers of the car and continue to circulate long after the cigarette has been put out. Although eliminating the exposure to cigarette smoke is ideal, for those who wish to extend the health benefits associated with UV clarifiers, car ionizers are extremely beneficial. This form of ionic air cleaner utilizes similar technology to that used in home-based UV clarifiers to greatly reduce pollutants and auto exhaust particulates. By simply plugging a car ionizer into your vehicle's lighter receptacle, it goes to work cleaning your car air from airborne impurities such as road exhaust, particles, dust, smoke, mold, pollen, and other allergens.

Despite significant efforts of national health organizations as well as new laws being enacted, tobacco use continues. While the best solution is to avoid smoke, this avenue is not always possible, as most of us at least encounter secondhand smoke on an occasional basis. Whether you are a smoker or not, using a UV air purification system provides tremendous health benefits, ensuring that you breathe clean and healthy air.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Influenza (flu viral attack) medicine capsule tamiflu for treatment.


Influenza disease is given to birds, cats, other species of animals and humans by the virus strain H5N1. This causes the influenza of type 'A', which is the most dangerous type of influenza and had caused problems of varying proportions like the epidemic of 1918, which is reported to have caused about 20 million deaths around the world!

The symptoms of influenza are initially mild and they usually start with a sore throat followed by body pain. You may experience high fever and dizziness. Most people learn that they have caught the virus at this time and then they go to a doctor and get blood reports.

Tamiflu is the latest influenza treatment. In fact, Tamiflu is the first and the most effective oral neuraminidase inhibitor ever developed. Buy Tamiflu online, as it not only prevents but also cure influenza. If you buy Tamiflu online, it will not only help shorten the time you have flu symptoms such as nasal congestion, cough, sore throat, aches and muscle pain, headache, fever and chills but also reduce their severity.

You should buy Tamiflu online and take it within 48 hours of diagnosis for effective influenza treatment. As it takes time for influenza treatment to work effectively, you have to follow dosage schedule strictly.

When you buy Tamiflu online, you will get a capsule that contains 75grams of the active ingredient 'oseltamivir'. If you buy Tamiflu online for influenza treatment, you will be recommended to take one capsule in the morning and one capsule in the evening. You are required to follow this routine of influenza treatment for a period of five days. If you are having kidney problems and undergoing treatment for the same, then you should take only one tablet a day.

This dosage of influenza treatment is recommended to most adults who buy Tamiflu online. For children the dosage is however a bit different. When you buy Tamiflu online, make sure you give all your details correctly. Especially if you buy Tamiflu online for children, take special care.

Before you buy Tamiflu online, you should also weigh its benefits and side effects and only based on that you should take your decision. After you buy Tamiflu online, you might experience some of the following Tamiflu side effects:
Abdominal pain

Most people who buy Tamiflu online do not experience any side effects from this influenza treatment. However, some people experience severe side effects. Whether it is because they buy Tamiflu online, that is generic or counterfeit or that they buy Tamiflu online from an illicit source is not known.If you buy Tamiflu online, make sure you buy Tamiflu manufactured by Roche, which is genuine and branded and from a reputed online source. If you buy Tamiflu online that is generic, it may raise unnecessary health complications.

Tamiflu is one of the best influenza treatments, so get it without much delay!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Living With Metal Allergies

Living With Metal Allergies

Metal allergy, which is a form of contact dermatitis, is a rather common skin condition. Quite a few people may have this condition and not even realize it. There are plenty of people who believe they can't wear anything but gold, or platinum or even silver. Often this it not true and many people do not realize that in most situations they can find a less expensive alternative. It all depends on the metal content. For instance the most common metal that causes a reaction is nickel. Nickel is used in a wide variety of jewelry including gold, although not too often.

Signs and Symptoms of Metal Allergy

The symptoms of a metal allergy is reddening of the skin where there has been contact with the metal, note the kind of allergy it is classified as 'contact dermatitis'. Which there are many types of allergens that cause contact dermatitis, such as poison oak or even for some people wool. An itching and or burning sensation usually accompanies the reddening of the skin in the area that has been in contact with the metal. In some severe cases a blistering rash can occur and may resemble pimples. The skin may reveal scaly, raw and thickened, sometimes oozing, crusting or draining may occur. As well as swelling, tenderness or warmth of the skin exposed to the metal.

Complications and Treatment

Infections may occur so it is important that if you have broken out to keep the area clean and dry, but do not touch it too often as this can irritate it more. The best thing is to clean the area once or twice a day and keep it covered. If the itching or burning is too much to bear you can always use a cortisone cream, for swelling you can use cold compresses on the skin.


The severity of the reaction often depends on several factors such as the duration of the contact, whether or not the skin has been broken, how sensitive you are to the metal causing the reaction, and the concentration of the metal you are sensitive to. For example if you are allergic to nickel, and a piece of sterling silver that contains a small percentage may not break you out but white gold with a high percentage of nickel might. Not that all sterling silver or white gold contains nickel but some pieces might. There is no specific formula for alloying silver or gold and all manufacturers have their own recipe.


Obviously the best method of preventing the uncomfortable results of a metal allergy is to avoid the metal causing the sometimes-painful reaction. This as we all know is not always possible. For instance what are we suppose to do when a belt buckle or zipper on some of our favorite pieces of clothing starts irritating our skin? Are we just supposed to throw them out?

Protecting Your Skin

The best thing is to see you physician and have a patch test done to identify the specific allergen, this can usually be accomplished with three office visits, or sometimes less if you have self tested by purposely exposing yourself to the alleged culprit. But sometimes it may be a favorite pair of earrings and the easiest fix is to apply a coating of clear fingernail polish to the metal that contacts the skin. Although this will eventually wear, on an item you use regularly it can last for 2-3 weeks before you need to apply another coat. Or if it is bra hooks you could just get a small strip of comfortable fabric and place is as a barrier. Some cases you can just take an antihistamine.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Installation of UV Air Purifiers Offers Energy Savings

With all of the discussions surrounding rising energy prices, the need to be more environmentally friendly, and poor indoor air quality, it can seem like a daunting and expensive undertaking. However, with one simple, yet effective, product known as a UV clarifier or negative ion generator, poor indoor air quality can be significantly improved while offering substantial energy savings.

Dr. Kowalski, PE, Ph.D. at Penn State University has concluded that the costs associated with ultraviolet air purification systems can be "justified as a capital expenditure by the savings it provides." Throughout her studies she found that the installation of UV clarifiers provide savings in energy as well as maintenance costs-all while offering tremendous health benefits that are associated with a healthy and clean indoor environment. However, the savings and benefits of UV disinfection and negative ionizers do not have to be limited to places such as hotels, hospitals, or health care facilities. Rather, people can utilize ultraviolet air purification systems and air ionizers within their own homes and offices and experience all of the benefits without breaking the bank.

UV air purifiers that are able to be installed within the HVAC unit, provide the clean air we've all been looking for by altering the DNA of bacteria, mold, mildew, and other allergens in heating and air conditioning systems. Experts estimate that approximately 90% of pollution is inside buildings. Since heating and air conditioning or air conveyance systems have the ideal conditions for the growth of bacteria, mold, mildew, and other hazardous air pollutants and allergens, it is imperative that we keep it clean and functioning at its optimum capacity.

An ultraviolet air purification system addresses the issues of rising energy prices and energy efficiency by minimizing the amount of work that is required for your HVAC unit to conduct. Many are aware of the importance of changing filters; however, we fail to realize the wear and tear that bacteria, mold, mildew, and allergen build-up has on our HVAC system. UV light air purifiers eliminate the need to ever clean the mold off your cooling coil (evaporator coil) again. Additionally, it helps decrease cooling costs by keeping the cooling coil from plugging up with mold and other harmful particulate matter; thus providing a significant savings in energy and dollars by improving or maintaining the efficiency of the HVAC unit and extending the life of the coils.

UV air purifiers also address the need to be more environmentally friendly. The mold, mildew, and other hazardous air pollutants, found in most heating and ventilation units, as well as the culmination of fine dust, germs, mold spores, pollen, animal dander, and other allergens circulating throughout the air, can lead to a host of odor issues, not to mention numerous health concerns. Typically the way people deal with odor is with harsh chemicals, candles, or other methods that "mask" the odor rather than eliminating it. Unfortunately, although these methods may make you believe that the odor is gone, it really isn't. As a matter of fact, more harmful particulates have been made airborne due to the chemical and harsh materials found in these cleaning and scented products that can take a toll on our health as well as the environment.

Thankfully, UV air cleaners can be installed in the HVAC system to address all of these problems and result in cleaner, healthier air. UV sterilizers are able to cleanse the air, kill odors, destroy allergens, and prevent the transmission of sickness and disease as it generates safe and highly effective hydroxyl ions and negative ions.

Since the air in your home, office, school, or hospital circulates through the HVAC system between 200 and 400 times in a 24-hour period, it makes sense to ensure that it is emitting the cleanest air possible. Some air purification systems are able to produce 2,500 times more germicidal effect than the amount in the sunlight that reaches the earth's surface, using a carefully selected, optimum portion of the UV-C ultraviolet spectrum. Hence, it is crucial to compare ultraviolet air purification systems before making a purchase. However, with the right UV air cleaner/purifier, you can make your home or office the energy efficient, environmentally friendly, clean air space you've always desired.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Buying the Perfect Allergy-free Gifts for Your Loved Ones

Allergies is a condition which affect thousands of people in the world. One of them could be your friend or loved one. Imagine how sad it is when you took time to carefully choose the perfect gift for your loved ones, only to learn soon after that your gift just trigger a bad case of allergy for him/ her. The last thing you want is to spoil someone's joy just because you did not take his/her allergy into consideration when buying gifts. Here are some tips and ideas for buying gift for someone who are prone to allergies. Your loved ones will appreciate the extra thought that goes into buying a gift for them.

(1)Toys for children

Stuffed toys are the favorites among children but they can be dangerous to the allergy prone. When buying toys for children with allergies, you have to be extra careful. These are some of the things you should bear in mind:

Avoid stuffed animals with real fur as fur is more prone to dust and mold. A safer choice is to choose stuffed animals with polyester filling that is easy to wash and dry. Avoid latex toys. Latex allergy is becoming more common recently and may even fatal in more severe cases.
Wooden and metal toys are a safer choice. Wooden toys are recommended for children with allergies as they do not collect dust or mold, thus are not a suitable breeding ground for dust mite . Some toys are certified as asthma friendly. Get these toys instead.

(2) Products for cleaner indoor air

A good quality vacuum cleaner that contains a true HEPA filter. A true HEPA filter captures over 99.9% of dust mites, pollens and ragweed. Controlling the humidity level in the home is important to anyone with respiratory sensitivities as well as skin disorder such as eczema. A good way to know what the current level is is through a hygrometer. Even those with allergies can enjoy the soft romantic glow of candles with Solar powered rechargeable candles that are soot free.

For someone with a green thumb, a plant 'watering' meter would come in handy to help reduce the chance of over watering plants that often leads to mould growth. A carbon monoxide detector placed near fireplaces, space heaters and garages, is a great gift and could save lives.

(3) If you are buying jewelry for someone with allergies, you have to be aware if the jewelry will trigger a reaction. Nickel is known to cause a reaction for those with eczema and psoriasis. Look for nickel free jewelry to be on the safe side.

(4) Conventional skin care products often contains chemicals which are too harsh for sensitive skin and might cause an allergy reactions. A totally natural skin care set made from only the purest organic ingredients is a great gift for someone who is prone to skin allergies.

(5)For those who have dairy allergies, a soy, rice or almond milk maker is a great gift. Soy, rice or almond milk have the same goodness as dairy and with the milk maker, one can enjoy the fresh non dairy milk as well as use it for baking and cooking. Soyquick soy milk maker is recommended as it can be used to make, not only soy milk, but rice, almond, and oat milk.

(6) Juicing is a great way to detoxify the body, and many believe large intake of fresh organic juice helps to relieve allergy symptoms. What can you get fresher juice than juice you make yourself? A powerful, easy to clean and handy juicer might be just what your loved one needs.

(7) Allergy free linens, covers or bedding

Down feather bedding is recommended for people with allergies as it is actually less allergenic than synthetic ones. Choose those which offers anti-microbial shield to protect against bacteria, mold, dust mites, pollen and mildew. The range of comforters and bedding from Allergy Shield is Allergist Recommended & Medically Evaluated, thus can be safely used. It can prevent symptoms of asthma, nasal allergy, sinusitis and eczema.

Dust mite protective covers for pillows, mattresses and box springs are also an excellent gift for those who are allergic to dust mites. Many individuals with asthma also have other conditions such as eczema, a skin condition that is made worse when in contact with some fabrics, such as wool. Cotton clothing and bedding is always a good choice for people with eczema.


Allergies and AsthmaBooks are great for books lovers. There are many great books on coping life with allergies. One of which should be in every home is Jeffrey C. May's My House Is Killing Me!: The Home Guide for Families with Allergies and Asthma.

Allergies are very common nowadays. Eventhough a person is allergy prone, it does not mean he or she deserves the right to celebrate any occasion like any normal person. It only take a little extra thought and considerations to avoid potential problems. I hope these allergy free gift buying tips have given you some valuable ideas of buying the perfect gift for your loved ones.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Uncovering The Relationship Between Asthma And Allergies

You often hear the terms "asthma" and "allergies" lumped together. But do you know why?

Asthma is a chronic lung condition, characterized by difficulty in breathing due to extra sensitive or hyper-responsive airways. During an asthma attack, the airways become irritated and react by narrowing and constructing, causing increased resistance to airflow, and obstructing the flow of air to and from the lungs. Common early warning signs of asthma include fatigue, coughing (especially at night), wheezing, difficulty breathing, tightness in the chest, runny nose, and itchy throat.

Allergies, on the other hand, are immune system reactions to things that most people would experience as harmless. Certain foods, dust, pollen ... these are allergens that can trigger an allergy attack. When they're encountered, the body\'s immune system produces IgE antibodies to fight the allergen. These antibodies create the release of chemicals into the bloodstream, one of which (histamine) affects the eyes, nose, throat, lungs, and skin, causing the allergy's symptoms.

So now that we have a better picture of how these two health conditions function, the question becomes ... is there a relationship between allergies and asthma?

It's true that those with certain allergies (usually allergies that affect the nose and eyes, such as dust mites, animal dander, mold or pollen) are more likely to develop asthma than say ... those without allergies or those with allergies in other classifications, such as food allergies. But it's also true that many of those with allergies never develop asthma at all.

In addition, there are other factors that can contribute to a person's asthma. Unmonitored exercise, for example. Or other illnesses, such as colds or the flu.

Scientists aren't sure what lies at the root cause of asthma. Various studies are looking at a variety of factors, including air pollution, obesity, and as strange as it might sound, even the lack of exposure to viruses and bacteria in childhood (which may prevent the immune system from growing stronger).

What we do know is that exposure to indoor allergens, pollen, animal dander, grass ... in other words, allergy-related factors, are often found in asthmatics. Often, but not always. And it also appears that asthma tends to run in families. If both parents have asthma, there\'s actually a 40% probability their children will develop the disease as well.

Current research efforts have been exploring the influence of environmental factors, genetics (as mentioned above), and even stress on asthma. This creates the potential to dramatically reduce a person's asthma severity levels by altering his or her exposure to the aggravating factors. This can be particularly successful when the culprit is something that's relatively easy to control. Dust, for instance. Or something only encountered in a work environment. Or, though it's certainly much more difficult because of the emotional component, a family pet.

Unfortunately, the most common allergy that appears to have a direct influence on asthma is an allergy to dust mites. Eliminating these mites to the extent that it might make a difference in the severity of your asthma requires a major change in lifestyle and can often be quite expensive. That doesn't mean it can't be done, only that it's not as easy as simply staying indoors during the pollen season or switching to a less stressful job.

Of course, new treatments are coming along all the time, and considerable research is currently dedicated to finding ways to modify, abolish or diminish the affect allergies have on the body. It's believed that with the successful control of allergies can come the successful control of asthma, particularly in younger sufferers.

In the meantime, here\'s what we know ... asthma can be triggered by allergic reactions, but it can also be triggered by nonallergic reactions. Most asthma attacks result from exposure to allergens such as pollen, household dust, and mold. These attacks can be influenced by indoor or outdoor environments. Because a majority of asthma sufferers are affected by some form of allergies, it's worth the effor to work closely with your doctor to try to identify and control all potential allergens within your influence.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Negative Ion Generators Provide Significant Health Benefits to You and Your Pets

Pets sometimes seem like another member of the family. However, we fail to realize how the indoor air quality of our homes affect domestic dogs, cats, and birds. Dr. Carolynn MacAllister, an Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension Service veterinarian, co-authored a paper based on how tobacco has significant health consequences to pets. The veterinarians from Oklahoma State found that "secondhand smoke has been associated with oral cancer and lymphoma in cats, lung and nasal cancer in dogs, as well as lung cancer in birds."

In order to protect the health of ourselves, family members, and our pets, it is imperative to take advantage of negative ionizers. Although not smoking is ideal, there is proven effectiveness of reducing indoor air pollutants through the utilization of negative ion generators.

Negative ions that are produced through air cleaners/ionizers naturally remove pollutants from the air. Since cigarette smoke contains some of the most carcinogenic (cancer causing) compounds known to man, it makes sense to minimize or eliminate the exposure to such toxins. Although you or someone in your household may not be a smoker, previous owners or tenants may have smoked and the residual contaminants are still prevalent. Thankfully, air purifiers/ionizers can put your mind at ease and promote a healthy indoor environment for your family and pets alike.

Negative ion generators remove contaminants such as smoke, pollutants, allergens, bacteria, and viruses which lead to a variety of health concerns that can be potentially fatal. While negative ions do not actually kill airborne micro-organisms, they do effectively eliminate these hazardous particulates from the air in the same way that negative ionization works in the earth's natural atmosphere. Upon being released from a negative ion generator, as in the case with a room ionizer, the ions attract to positively charged particulates, including smoke, various toxins, dust, mold, and germs. As these particulates and ions form clusters, they become heavy and fall out of the air to surfaces where they can be disinfected rather than causing infection, a host of diseases including oral and nasal cancers, as well as lymphoma.

However, it is not only the fact that negative ions effectively remove air pollutants that makes them so valuable in removing harmful particulates found in secondhand cigarette smoke. These powerful ions also promote healing of the body's systems and cells. As negative ions are released from the room ionizer, they circulate in the air, and as they are inhaled, the result is: increased oxygen levels in the blood, relaxed nerves, revitalized cell metabolism, and strengthened the immune system. Together, these effects revitalize the body; thus, reducing the likelihood of developing lung related cancers, numerous illnesses, and support the body's ability to heal.

When one lives alone, he or she often fails to recognize that their habit or choice in lifestyle affects others around them whether it be a household pet such as a dog, cat, or bird, visitors, or even people that will later occupy the dwelling. Tobacco and secondhand smoke has significant health consequences to all of us. However, with the frequent and correct use of a negative ion generator, you can minimize the health risks and increase indoor air quality.

Friday, October 26, 2007

The Must know Info on Allergy

Peanuts could lead you breathless, a bowl of pulses may cause swelling of the tongue and throat, or a fish preparation may lead to redness of skin and an incessant rash. The list is endless, and these are just a handful of the common allergies that people suffer from. While their occurrence may be common, what really makes the task difficult is that there is no cure for an allergy, and the only way out is by preventing the intake of food that causes allergy.

Simply defined, an allergy is intolerance of the immune system to specific foods. You are allergic to food when your body reacts adversely to it, thereby producing excess histamine, which triggers a cascade of allergic symptoms that can affect the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, skin or cardiovascular system.

Although an individual could be allergic to any food, such as fruits, vegetables and meat, it's protein-rich food that more than 80 per cent of the people are allergic to.

You could either be allergic to specific food items, or preservatives. In case of food, allergies are generally caused by protein rich food stuffs like peanuts, fish, egg, soy, wheat and pulses.

While an allergy may develop at any age, there is no specific cure, which can be prescribed. Doctors prescribe anti-histamine drugs and may even have to inject steroids in severe cases, but these only subdue the effects after an allergy has occurred. There is no long-term cure or means to get rid of any allergy and the only way out is to prevent the intake of food that causes the allergy.

The symptoms vary from urticaria - red patches, indicating excess of blood supply to that region of the body, to general body rash and itching. In severe cases it may lead to breathlessness and angioneurotic oedema, where the wind pipe is blocked.

Patch test to find out the specific food that causes allergy exist. These are restrictive in nature and can only test allergy to 50 to 100 food stuffs. The method of exclusion serves best. Doctors recommend maintaining a diary. Once you know that you are allergic to something, start recording everything that you eat in a diary. It will be easier to detect the particular food whenever you develop symptoms next.

Once you determine what you are allergic to, it is important to learn to read food labels and thereby avoid eating food that you are allergic to. The dictum, prevention is better than cure, works best in case of allergy.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction

Symptoms typically appear within minutes to two hours after a person has eaten the food to which he/she is allergic.

1. Tingling sensation in the mouth

2. Swelling of the tongue and throat

3. Difficulty in breathing

4. Vomiting

5. Abdominal cramps

6. Diarrhea

7. Drop in blood pressure

8. Loss of consciousness

Symptoms may be mild or very sever, depending on how much of the food you have consumed and extent that you are allergic to it.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

A Look At Allergy Products

Do allergy products really make a difference? Plenty of specialty products exist, and if you are looking, you can you find products for every room in the home and practically every part of your body. HEPA air filters and filters for your vacuum cleaner; 100% pure cotton bedding and pillows; masks that you can wear at work, at play and at home; cleaning supplies; cases to stuff your mattresses in; throat moisturizers; cosmetics; dehumidifiers; toys that can be washed; the list goes on and on.

Take a peek on the Internet and you'll find pages of websites offering allergy products of all sorts and all price ranges. Allergy products are big business and to allergy sufferers, these products look to be the answer to all of their suffering.

If you suffer from allergies, you too might be tempted to jump on the allergy products bandwagon. Before you do, it's important to realize that the answer to whether any of these products work or not is a bit more complicated than it seems on the surface.

Several allergy-related issues need to be addressed before you whip out your credit card. Otherwise the allergy products you select might not be the great deal you had expected. First of all, be certain you know what it is you are allergic to. Are you allergic to pet dander, dust mites, food, grass, or what? If you know, that's great. If you don't, you might want to first go through a round of allergy tests to determine your nemesis.

Once you know what it is you are allergic to you then need to spend some time reading the descriptions of the allergy products before you purchase any. Why? Because the allergy products you may be interested in might not be designed to alleviate the allergens that cause your problems. For example, the purpose of an air filter is to remove airborne allergens, the ones that spend the majority of their time suspended in air, like pet dander.

Dust mite droppings are only in the air a short time, when they're first released or when a vacuum cleaner stirs them up from their resting place on the ground. An expensive air filter won't benefit you if you are sensitive to dust mites. However, a casing to enclose your mattress or your pillows will, as these are designed to keep the allergens from coming into contact with you.

Getting back to air filters, most are not effective for dealing with plant-based allergens, even though these are considered airborne allergens. In the case of ragweed, grass clippings and other such irritants, it is better to keep these from entering the home in the first place by closing doors and windows and running an air conditioner.

Are you beginning to understand what is involved with selecting the right allergy products? When in doubt, the best advice is to discuss the subject of allergy products with your allergist. You're more likely to get an accurate, unbiased answer to your questions about allergy products.

depression treatment

Natural Remedies And Treatments For Allergies

When allergies strike, most allergy sufferers head to the drugstore where they purchase an antihistamine. They take it, and soon their symptoms begin to subside. They're all set until the next outburst.

Over-the-counter antihistamines are effective but unfortunately, taking them often causes unpleasant side effects such as drowsiness and a feeling of lethargy. If you're tired of feeling tired when allergies strike, maybe it's time you reach for natural allergy remedies instead.

Natural allergy remedies come in all forms and are made from many different types of ingredients including herbs, plants, ground up honey bees, and other vitamins and nutrients. Most natural allergy remedies have been designed to either stop histamine outbursts from occurring in the first place, or they act to combat the individual symptoms that occur with the release of histamines. They accomplish these tasks naturally, which is why unpleasant side effects are non-existent.

Besides treating allergy symptoms with all-natural ingredients, the term "natural allergy remedies" has come to mean something more. In addition to being a natural and effective way to treat allergy symptoms after they develop, the term can be used to describe taking control of your surroundings so that you limit exposure to the allergens that cause you trouble. For example, if pet dander is a problem, don't keep pets. Or if you must, you've got to be vigilant about keeping pet dander under control. Likewise with dust mites. You need to protect your furnishings with casings that keep this type of problem under wraps.

Watching what you eat is important if you've got food allergies, so taking steps to control your diet can also be considered a natural allergy remedy. In addition to closely monitoring what you eat, there also are foods you can consume that are known to contain naturally-occurring histamine combatants. For example, Quercitin, a flavinoid found in onions and apples, is capable of blocking the release of histamines which cause the familiar allergy symptoms like runny nose, congestion, and itchy, watery eyes. Besides being effective against allergies, there are countless other health benefits of eating these and other types of fruits and vegetables, like lowering your risk of developing heart disease and keeping your blood sugar levels stable.

If you're like a lot of people and find that monitoring what you eat is too much work, then consider taking a daily multi-vitamin. Many of the vitamins and minerals benefit the immune system which in turn helps keeps the symptoms of allergies under control.

With so many natural allergy remedies being offered, understanding the ingredients as well as the actual benefits of each can be mind-boggling. Even though these types of products are available without a prescription, if you're confused, it might be advisable to speak with an allergist or someone who specializes in natural remedies. These specialists can help explain how each of the individual ingredients work and why they're thought to be effective. This type of information may help you decide whether natural allergy remedies are right for you.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

How to Prevent or Alleviate Allergy

By allergy the immune system react against a substance that it is not supposed to react against, and the reaction is often exaggerated. Objects containing substances that commonly cause allergy are domestic dust, animal hair, household chemicals, chlorine, microorganisms, pollen, nuts, citrus fruits and seafood. Also bacteria and parasites can cause inappropriately strong immune reactions.


The total set of reactions occurring by allergy is very complicated. Many of these are the same as by normal immune reaction, even though they occur when they should not take place, Here are listed some of these reactions:

By exposure to a new substance, cells in the immune system learn to recognize that substance (allergen), and it learns to produce anti-bodies towards the substance, and a certain amount of antibodies is produced. The type of anti-bodies called IgE is the most important by allergic reactions.

IgE will glue itself to some cells in the blood called mast-cells, and stick out from the surface of these cells. By following exposures to antigens, these will attach themselves to the IgE-ends sticking out from the mast-cells. This will trigger the mast-cells to produce histamine and other signal substances. These signal substances will then spread through the surrounding tissues.

The signal substances will then trigger the walls of small blood vessels to leak fluid into the tissues and accumulate in the tissues. This will cause tissue swelling. They also will cause blood vessels to widen and thus increase the blood stream in the tissues. The consequence of this will be swelling and redness in the affected body parts. The signal substances will also make glands in the tissue produce more mucus, making symptoms like running nose and tight throat.

The new exposures to the antigens will also provoke even more anti-body production. The antibodies will also glue allergens together to bigger complexes. These complexes can clog small blood vessels and in other ways disturb the function of the affected organ.

The allergen-antibody-complexes are then recognized by the cells and other mechanisms that the body uses to collect and eliminate garbage. Eater-cells gather and engulf the complexes.

The immune system also will make enzymes that attack the antigens to break them down. Also this production is stimulated when antigens attach themselves to anti-bodies at cell surfaces. But these enzymes are not entirely specific, and can also to some extend break down components of the body's own tissue, causing harm and disease symptoms.


In the beginning of the life of a person, the immune system has the potency to react against most substances in the body itself and the surroundings. However, there are mechanisms that learn the immune system to recognize normal substances found in the daily life in the early infanthood, and suppress the reactions against these. If this learning mechanism is disturbed, allergy can develop.

Allergy can also develop if a small child is never exposed to substances that later will be a normal ingredient of his daily life. In this case the immune system will not get the chance to suppress the reaction against this substance. Letting a small child grow up in an exaggerated clean and sterile environment can therefore cause allergies.

On the other hand, certain elements not being a port of a normal environment can cause allergies by repeated and massive exposure. Examples of such substances are chlorine.


Allergy varies according to the compound that causes the immunological reaction. An allergic condition also often implies reaction against a combination of several substances. Common substances causing allergy are: Pollen, domestic dust, mites in domestic dust, moulds and mould spores, chlorine, chemicals in soaps and cosmetics, animal hair, seafood, strawberry, fish, parasites, medicines like anaesthetics and antibiotics

An allergic condition may periodically get better or worse according to the concentration of the allergen in the environment. A typical example is pollen allergy with peaks in the pollination season of grass or treas.

An allergic person will often get symptoms from several tissues in the body, but the symptoms are often most prominent at one body part and give very specific symptoms at that site. Examples of specific conditions often caused by allergy are eczema in the skin and asthma in the lungs and lower airpipe.


Any organ can exhibit allergic reactions, but often the symptoms are confined mainly to one organ or organ system.

By allergic reactions in the respiratory system there will be symptoms like: Itching and soreness in the throat and nose cavities, swelling of the airway tissues, increased amount of secrets in the airway cavities and coughing. There may also be asthmatic symptoms or fully developed asthma. The main symptom of asthma is cramping that constricts the airways all the way down into the lungs (constriction of the trachea and tracholes).

By allergic reactions in the skin, there will be symptoms like: Redness, swelling, red spots, itching and soars.


To prevent allergies in an individual the best way, one must begin in early childhood.

A child must be allowed to get in contact with natural elements like earth, dirt, animals, plants, physical contact with other humans, and the like. This exposure to natural elements must occur before an allergy has developed. In this way the immune system will learn to recognize common and harmless elements, and not overreact against this later in life.

Research projects have found out that children having much and early contact with pet animals like cats and dogs have a less chance of getting allergic problems later than children not having contact with pets. This is contrary to what many people believe.

On the other hands, every person should be protected from early childhood from certain elements normally not found in a natural environment, for example chlorine, soaps and cosmetics with artificial substances, and food containing unnatural additives.


The first approach in the treatment of manifest allergy is avoiding exposure to substances causing the allergic reactions. Even though exposure to natural substances can prevent allergy, exposure to an allergen should be avoided when an allergy already has developed. Ways of doing this is:

- Avoiding food one reacts against
- Avoiding contact with animals one have an allergic reaction towards
- Keeping rooms, clothes beds and furniture well cleaned
- Avoiding use of cleaners, soaps and cosmetics with unnatural additives
- Avoiding foods, drinks and snacks with unnatural additives
- Avoiding daily exposure to chlorine and other chemicals
- In cooperation with your doctor change medicines you use that may cause allergy with others
- Avoiding growth of moulds in the environment. This is done by well cleaning and keeping the environment dry.

Children are often exposed to allergens at school, and adults are often exposed at work. Parents with allergic children must inspect the school environment and require from the school administration and teachers that practically possible environmental measures are provided to keep the school free from allergens. An employee should require the same from his employer.

If you do not know exactly everything you react against, you can try to stop exposure to one factor after another, until you feel that the allergy alleviates, and then keep this factor out of your daily life for the future.

Sometimes avoiding allergens is difficult to accomplish, or make the lifestyle to restricted to be acceptable. Then one must apply medical treatment that alleviates the allergy.

A common way of treating allergy is applying medication that block the effect of the substance histamine, and thereby alleviate or prevent the symptoms occurring when the antigen get into the body.

Another way is desensitisation treatment. By this treatment one let the body get a controlled and gradually increasing exposure to the allergens over a time period, and when this period is over, one let the body get recurrent exposure to a controlled dose at regular time intervals. By this treatment the response from the immune system from the allergens gradually decrease, partly because the immune system thereby learns to recognize the allergens as harmless, and partly because the antibodies against the allergens are used up.

There are also natural products on the marked that contain ingredients that help the immune system to react more appropriately. Important effects of these products are reduced histamine secretion and increased histamine metabolism. Examples of ingredients in such medicines are: Methylsulfonyl methane, vitamin C, vitamin E, Echinacea purpurea, Quercetin, grape Seed, Stinging nettle, Coleus Forskolin

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Improving Indoor Air Quality with UV Sterilizers: Preventing and Minimizing the Affects of Asthma

Recent scientific studies are showing a strong link between being overweight or obese and the increased risk of developing asthma. Although people originally believed that asthma led to obesity because the individual was unable to participate in strenuous physical activity, studies are now indicating that obesity actually triggers asthma.

Although the reason is not yet known, some speculate that people with excess weight have compressed airways which make them more reactive to cold and other asthma triggers. Others believe that is too simplistic of a theory and are looking into a possible genetic link between asthma and obesity.

To fully understand who may be at increased risk for developing asthma, we must understand how the scientific study results were measured. Those that are considered 'normal weight' have a BMI (body mass index) of less than 25. On the other hand, those that are overweight and obese have a BMI of 25-29.0 and above 30, respectively.

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects the airways making them sensitive to allergies or other things found in the air that causes irritation. As the airways react to sensitive particles found in the air, they constrict making it difficult to breathe because less air is flowing to the individual's lung tissue. As a result, the asthma sufferer experiences wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing, and chest tightness. In severe cases, this can even lead to death.

It is estimated that approximately 7% of the U.S. population suffer from asthma, but with obesity rates at 65%, the incidence of asthma is also expected to rise dramatically. Additional studies have proven that obese and overweight people are 50% more likely to get asthma than those of normal weight.

Whatever the link may be between obesity and asthma, it is imperative to find a way to control the asthma so that people affected can live active lives with few and infrequent symptoms. Thankfully, there is hope from a source that many may not have even considered - UV (ultraviolet) light disinfection.

Ultraviolet lamps and light bulbs provide the protection from harmful particulates that we all face on a daily basis by destroying VOC's (volatile organic compounds). Unlike other methods that some people rely on such as vacuums and air purification methods that don't utilize the power of ultraviolet light or negative ions, the results are limited. However, with UV clarifiers, the indoor air is cleaned, purified, and freshened as the UV sterilizer employs UV light to cleanse the air of harmful particulates that further irritate the lungs of overweight and obese individuals suffering with asthma.

However, a UV clarifier is not only helpful for people suffering from asthma or those that are overweight or obese and want to prevent their chances of getting asthma. UV purifiers eliminate a wide variety of other air pollutants including airborne viruses, bacteria, mold, mildew, dust, pollen, pet dander, and smoke. As a result, those who utilize the technology found in UV air purifiers can experience a quality of life that may not otherwise be possible.

Many people fail to recognize how many pollutants surround them on a daily basis. While most understand the affects that outdoor pollutants such as city smog, vehicle exhaust fumes, and factory waste have on their health and breathing, yet they often underestimate the toxins that are found inside the homes and buildings we work in on a daily basis. Since most Americans spend 90% or more of their time indoors, gaining control of the indoor air quality will play a significant part in our health and livelihood.

Ultraviolet light has been a trusted source for over fifty years as scientists are continuing to understand that ultraviolet air purification systems are able to provide the same benefits as the UV rays found in sunlight at successfully removing impurities from the air.

A select few air probe sanitizers contain a UV germicidal bulb which produces purifying hydroxyls, negative ions, and ultraviolet light to clean indoor air of pollutants. The UV light unit is installed in a building's HVAC (Heating, Venting, and Air Conditioning) system, needing only minimal care and producing tremendous results. Every HVAC system has the ability to utilize a UV clarifier, and after only twenty-four hours of use, air is cleaned so that one can actually feel the difference of the UV disinfection.

These quick results can be attributed to the fact that the air in a building circulates through an HVAC system from 250 to 400 times per day. As air passes by the UV germicidal bulb of the air probe sanitizer, pollutants are destroyed. Ultraviolet light mutilates the DNA of micro-organisms, causing them to be incapable of reproduction and thus harmless to humans. UV disinfection is the only way to rid indoor air of such tiny micro-organisms as they are too small to be trapped by a filter.

As a result of using an ultraviolet air purification system, your indoor air quality can be improved significantly resulting in cleaner air that is easier to breathe; thus, eliminating health related concerns due to harmful indoor pollutants and allergens.

Practical Measures to Prevent and Treat Allergy

By allergy the immune system react against a substance that it is not supposed to react against, and the reaction is often exaggerated. Objects containing substances that commonly cause allergy are domestic dust, animal hair, household chemicals, chlorine, microorganisms, pollen, nuts, citrus fruits and seafood. Also bacteria and parasites can cause inappropriately strong immune reactions.


The total set of reactions occurring by allergy is very complicated. Many of these are the same as by normal immune reaction, even though they occur when they should not take place, Here are listed some of these reactions:

By exposure to a new substance, cells in the immune system learn to recognize that substance (allergen), and it learns to produce anti-bodies towards the substance, and a certain amount of antibodies is produced. The type of anti-bodies called IgE is the most important by allergic reactions.

IgE will glue itself to some cells in the blood called mast-cells, and stick out from the surface of these cells. By following exposures to antigens, these will attach themselves to the IgE-ends sticking out from the mast-cells. This will trigger the mast-cells to produce histamine and other signal substances. These signal substances will then spread through the surrounding tissues.

The signal substances will then trigger the walls of small blood vessels to leak fluid into the tissues and accumulate in the tissues. This will cause tissue swelling. They also will cause blood vessels to widen and thus increase the blood stream in the tissues. The consequence of this will be swelling and redness in the affected body parts. The signal substances will also make glands in the tissue produce more mucus, making symptoms like running nose and tight throat.

The new exposures to the antigens will also provoke even more anti-body production. The antibodies will also glue allergens together to bigger complexes. These complexes can clog small blood vessels and in other ways disturb the function of the affected organ.

The allergen-antibody-complexes are then recognized by the cells and other mechanisms that the body uses to collect and eliminate garbage. Eater-cells gather and engulf the complexes.

The immune system also will make enzymes that attack the antigens to break them down. Also this production is stimulated when antigens attach themselves to anti-bodies at cell surfaces. But these enzymes are not entirely specific, and can also to some extend break down components of the body's own tissue, causing harm and disease symptoms.


In the beginning of the life of a person, the immune system has the potency to react against most substances in the body itself and the surroundings. However, there are mechanisms that learn the immune system to recognize normal substances found in the daily life in the early infanthood, and suppress the reactions against these. If this learning mechanism is disturbed, allergy can develop.

Allergy can also develop if a small child is never exposed to substances that later will be a normal ingredient of his daily life. In this case the immune system will not get the chance to suppress the reaction against this substance. Letting a small child grow up in an exaggerated clean and sterile environment can therefore cause allergies.

On the other hand, certain elements not being a part of a normal environment can cause allergies by repeated and massive exposure. Examples of such substances are chlorine.


Allergy varies according to the compound that causes the immunological reaction. An allergic condition also often implies reaction against a combination of several substances. Common substances causing allergy are: Pollen, domestic dust, mites in domestic dust, moulds and mould spores, chlorine, chemicals in soaps and cosmetics, animal hair, seafood, strawberry, fish, parasites, medicines like anaesthetics and antibiotics

An allergic condition may periodically get better or worse according to the concentration of the allergen in the environment. A typical example is pollen allergy with peaks in the pollination season of grass or treas.

An allergic person will often get symptoms from several tissues in the body, but the symptoms are often most prominent at one body part and give very specific symptoms at that site. Examples of specific conditions often caused by allergy are eczema in the skin and asthma in the lungs and lower airpipe.


Any organ can exhibit allergic reactions, but often the symptoms are confined mainly to one organ or organ system.

By allergic reactions in the respiratory system there will be symptoms like: Itching and soreness in the throat and nose cavities, swelling of the airway tissues, increased amount of secrets in the airway cavities and coughing. There may also be asthmatic symptoms or fully developed asthma. The main symptom of asthma is cramping that constricts the airways all the way down into the lungs (constriction of the trachea and tracholes).

By allergic reactions in the skin, there will be symptoms like: Redness, swelling, red spots, itching and soars.


To prevent allergies in an individual the best way, one must begin in early childhood.

A child must be allowed to get in contact with natural elements like earth, dirt, animals, plants, physical contact with other humans, and the like. This exposure to natural elements must occur before an allergy has developed. In this way the immune system will learn to recognize common and harmless elements, and not overreact against this later in life.

Research projects have found out that children having much and early contact with pet animals like cats and dogs have a less chance of getting allergic problems later than children not having contact with pets. This is contrary to what many people believe.

On the other hands, every person should be protected from early childhood from certain elements normally not found in a natural environment, for example chlorine, soaps and cosmetics with artificial substances, and food containing unnatural additives.


The first approach in the treatment of manifest allergy is avoiding exposure to substances causing the allergic reactions. Even though exposure to natural substances can prevent allergy, exposure to an allergen should be avoided when an allergy already has developed. Ways of doing this is:

- Avoiding food one reacts against
- Avoiding contact with animals one have an allergic reaction towards
- Keeping rooms, clothes beds and furniture well cleaned
- Avoiding use of cleaners, soaps and cosmetics with unnatural additives
- Avoiding foods, drinks and snacks with unnatural additives
- Avoiding daily exposure to chlorine and other chemicals
- In cooperation with your doctor change medicines you use that may cause allergy with others
- Avoiding growth of moulds in the environment. This is done by well cleaning and keeping the environment dry.

Children are often exposed to allergens at school, and adults are often exposed at work. Parents with allergic children must inspect the school environment and require from the school administration and teachers that practically possible environmental measures are provided to keep the school free from allergens. An employee should require the same from his employer.

If you do not know exactly everything you react against, you can try to stop exposure to one factor after another, until you feel that the allergy alleviates, and then keep this factor out of your daily life for the future.

Sometimes avoiding allergens is difficult to accomplish, or make the lifestyle to restricted to be acceptable. Then one must apply medical treatment that alleviates the allergy.

A common way of treating allergy is applying medication that block the effect of the substance histamine, and thereby alleviate or prevent the symptoms occurring when the antigen get into the body.

Another way is desensitisation treatment. By this treatment one let the body get a controlled and gradually increasing exposure to the allergens over a time period, and when this period is over, one let the body get recurrent exposure to a controlled dose at regular time intervals. By this treatment the response from the immune system from the allergens gradually decrease, partly because the immune system thereby learns to recognize the allergens as harmless, and partly because the antibodies against the allergens are used up.

There are also natural products on the marked that contain ingredients that help the immune system to react more appropriately. Important effects of these products are reduced histamine secretion and increased histamine metabolism. Examples of ingredients in such medicines are: Methylsulfonyl methane, vitamin C, vitamin E, Echinacea purpurea, Quercetin, grape Seed, Stinging nettle, Coleus Forskolin.

Monday, October 22, 2007

UV Air Purifiers: Providing Relief to Allergy and Asthma Sufferers from Effects of Global Warming

Global warming has been an increasingly discussed topic. Although this is a controversial issue as it relates to the extent to which global warming has really increased, one thing is for sure-the occurrence of allergies and asthma has increased making it more difficult for sufferers to cope.

According to Reuters Health, the effect of global warming has had a significant impact on asthma sufferers because the seasons have lengthened and plant life growth and weeds are scattering vast amounts of pollen and other related allergens. In addition, trees that do not typically flower annually, such as beech, are growing better and may begin to grow in climates further north where they are not typically present; thus, increasing the number of people suffering from its affects.

As the climate changes, more pollen and smog-induced asthma is likely to surface. Dr. Paul Beggs, an environmental health scientist from Macquarie University in Sydney, Australia, indicates that allergy-triggering pollen such as ragweed and birch trees are linked to increasing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. Because asthma is often triggered by allergens, this also increases the prevalence and severity of symptoms that asthma sufferers face.

Paul Epstein, Associate Director of the Center for Health and the Global Environment at Harvard Medical School backs up this theory as he has concluded that the incidence of asthma in the United States has increased nearly four times since 1980. Due to the extended warmer seasons which produce increasing amounts of pollen and other allergen triggers, we must find a way to help combat and minimize the symptoms that may people are suffering with on a daily basis. Although decreasing greenhouse gases is possible if we minimize the burning of fossil fuel, some people don't want to, or feel they are unable to purchase a 'green' vehicle, use energy efficient appliances, drive less, recycle, etc. These changes would dramatically minimize global warming and provide ease to allergy and asthma sufferers.

Thankfully, we don't have to rely on people making these changes-ultraviolet germicidal light provides a solution. Because the average person spends over ninety percent of his or her time indoors, UV disinfection is extremely effective in minimizing allergic and asthmatic symptoms.

Many people feel that since they spend a great deal of time indoors that they are not subject to allergies. However, the small gaps that most of us have near windows or doors allow allergens to penetrate into our homes making us susceptible to a variety of particles that can trigger allergies or asthma. UV air purifiers utilize ultraviolet light to kill such allergen triggers as mold, fungi, mildew, dust mites, pet dander, and smoke. As these airborne microorganisms (which are often unseen) pass by the ultraviolet light of a UV air purifier, their DNA is mutilated, causing them to be inactive and unable to trigger allergic symptoms.

Additionally, AHPCO Cell technology which is found in some UV air cleaners is far superior to the older stand alone UV lamps and catalytic oxidation methods which use only one catalyst. AHPCO Cell technology is the latest advanced oxidation technology that consists of a proprietary, high-intensity broad spectrum UV lamp in a hydrated catalytic cell. Low-level ozone is produced in the cell, the majority of which is converted into airborne hydro peroxides (H2O2), hydroxyl ions (OH-), super oxide ions (O2-) and ozonide ions (O3-) via the quad-metallic catalyst. The technological combination found in some UV air purifiers has been proven to emit cleansing ions that treat indoor air and eliminate harmful indoor air particulates.

Ultraviolet lamps and light bulbs provide the protection from harmful particulates that we all face on a daily basis by destroying VOC's (volatile organic compounds). Unlike other methods that some people rely on such as vacuums and air purification methods that don't utilize the power of ultraviolet light or negative ions, the results are limited. However, with UV clarifiers, the indoor air is cleaned, purified, and freshened as the UV sterilizer employs UV light to cleanse the air of harmful particulates that further irritate allergen sufferers and the lungs of individuals afflicted with asthma.

With so many benefits, UV disinfection is one of the most beneficial things a person with allergies or asthma can do to improve his or her well-being. UV air purifiers are a cost-effective means of taking away the discomfort that comes along with breathing in allergens and minimizing the effects of asthma. And being unsurpassed in its natural ability to destroy airborne microorganisms, ultraviolet germicidal light can allow you and your family the relief and comfort of breathing easily in your own home.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

UV Air Clarifiers Minimize Affects of Asthma by Removing Harmful Particulates

UV air clarifiers minimize affects of asthma by removing harmful particulates that cause lung irritation.

Asthma is a common respiratory illness and can be difficult to diagnose, particularly during childhood because children often have difficulty expressing the symptoms they are experiencing. Doctors also have the difficulty trying to determine if the child who is having trouble breathing has asthma, a virus, an upper-respiratory infection or allergies. However, the results of asthma reach far beyond the individual suffering from the disease. Parents often miss work when a child is suffering an attack, doctors and hospital bills pour in, and children are unable to take part in some or all physical activities and school attendance often suffers.

By understanding the complications of asthma as well as the various symptoms that can be associated with this chronic inflammatory disease, it makes sense that accurately diagnosing it is difficult. Asthma affects the airways making them sensitive to allergies or other things found in the air that causes irritation. As the airways react to sensitive particles found in the air, they constrict making it difficult to breathe because less air is flowing to the individual's lung tissue. As a result, the asthma sufferer experiences wheezing, shortness of breath, coughing, and chest tightness. In severe cases, this can even lead to death.

Testing for asthma does not involve highly technical equipment or techniques; rather the most common testing instrument is a spirometer which measures airway efficiency-the volume and rate of air inspired and expired by the lungs. Because airway efficiency can vary dramatically from person to person and be dependent upon a number of factors including maintaining a healthy body weight and other illnesses that affect lung function including pneumonia, infectious or allergic disorders, OPD (obstructive pulmonary disease), and even sleeping disorders, doctors place a high degree of importance on obtaining a thorough family history and questions related to symptoms and exposure to allergens.

Currently an expert panel is re-writing the federal guidelines for diagnosing and managing asthma that will be introduced by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the National Asthma Education and Prevention Program. Although the new guidelines, set to be introduced by early summer, will aid in the diagnosis, with nearly 20 million Americans, including 9 million children being affected by this chronic respiratory disease, it is imperative to find a way to manage and even prevent the onset of asthma-particularly in children as it makes it increasingly difficult to be involved in sports and attend school on a regular basis for those with severe symptoms.

Since exercise, viral infections, pet hair, pollen, and other allergens are often what triggers asthma attacks, finding a way to minimize these, can dramatically improve the health and well-being of children and adults alike. Because most Americans spend 90% of their time indoors, where the air is often more polluted than that of a large city, purifying the air indoors with an ultraviolet (UV) light clarifier is often an extremely beneficial way of preventing asthma and a variety of other illnesses.

Ultraviolet air purification systems get to the root of the issue by eliminating the pollutants, allergens, and illnesses that all of us face on a daily basis. However, for those that suffer from asthma, eliminating these particulates has a dramatic impact on their health and well-being; for many, this can mean the difference between an asthma attack and being able to function with minimal or no symptoms.

UV sterilizers produce dramatic results and have a high success rate because as the high-energy UV-C ultraviolet light rays from the purifying probes of the ultraviolet lamp shine on the cold air side of the air conditioning evaporator coil, the mold, algae, slime, and gel that normally form around the air conditioning unit in our homes is eliminated. The typical build-up that is formed acts as a breeding ground for bacteria which is then blown into the room where the harmful particulates can be inhaled, resulting in sinus infections, sickness, and allergies. All of the allergens and illnesses take a toll on our bodies, and result in increased sensitivity to contracting other illnesses since our immune system becomes compromised as it tries to fight off the germs and bacteria that surround us on a daily basis as we sleep and spend time doing other activities indoors. These same bacteria, allergens, and asthma increase the chances of someone with asthma suffering an attack or developing another lung or respiratory infection that can make breathing difficult. Since the use of ultraviolet light cleans the bacteria away from the air conditioning unit, the cost of cooling your home is also minimized as the unit is able to work more effectively and efficiently.

Unfortunately, the cost of asthma reaches beyond discomfort and associated medical related costs. The National Center for Health Statistics conducted the National Health Interview Survey and reported that between 1980 and 1996 the number of asthma associated work and school absence days increased by more than 50%--from 6.2 million to 14 million days missed due to asthma. This results in parents missing days at work, diminishing their work efficiency, and as a result, their income potential.

Because asthma is often triggered things that cause the lungs to become sensitive to allergies or other things found in the air that causes irritation, ultraviolet air purification systems work more efficiently than trying to manage the asthma attack after it has begun. The ultraviolet germicidal light and UV-C light fight germs, bacteria, viruses, mildew, and mold spores such as stachybotrys and black mold, as well as a variety of other pollutants, as the particles circulate through the UV disinfection system and past the UV lamps. Since the UV air purifier is able to remove the harmful particulates that cause a variety of health related issues, you and your family can rest assured that you have minimized your risk of becoming affected by issues that can trigger illnesses, allergies, and even asthma.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Ultraviolet (UV) Light Air Purification Systems Enable Allergy Sufferers to Find Much Needed Relief

With several areas throughout the Midwest and Northeast getting freeze and snow through the end of April, much later than is typically experienced, experts predict that allergy sufferers will experience more symptoms. Although many people associate allergies with springtime, the symptoms can be felt nearly year-round-trees scatter pollen early Spring, followed by grasses, and ragweed is particularly prevalent through the Summer and Fall. Additionally, those allergic to mold can suffer throughout the year.

Weather also plays a significant part in the lives of allergy sufferers because wind, rain, and various weather patterns can either wash away the allergens (providing some with relief) or blow them up to 500 miles away and into the next town or city (where other's are susceptible to the potential of allergic reactions). Furthermore, cold weather can either delay the start of allergy season, or jumpstart it, depending on how close the trees and flowers are to releasing their pollen. These factors can make it very difficult to cope with or prevent the symptoms associated with allergies. However, there is hope. Ultraviolet (UV) light air purifiers provide just the relief that allergy sufferers seek, thus, eliminating the need for prescription and non-prescription medications, nasal sprays, and allergy shots which often have side effects that leave you feeling drowsy and unable to concentrate.

Ultraviolet air purification systems vary depending on the brand and technology that is used. For this reason, it is imperative to understand the different options available in UV clarifiers, and how each method cleans and disinfects so that you can choose the UV disinfection method that specifically targets your concerns and is most beneficial to your health.

The first option is air ionization. Negative ions have been proven effective at removing particulates from the air, such as bacteria, mold, dust, and other allergens. Ionization also removes ultra-fine particles that a filter cannot capture such as smoke, viruses, and chemical fumes.

Virtually all particles in the air have a positive charge. However, negative ions that have a negative charge also exist where negative ions and particles magnetically attract to one another. When there is a high enough concentration of negative ions in the air, they attract to floating positively charged particles in large numbers resulting in the particles becoming too heavy to remain airborne. As a result, negative ions will disable the harmful particulates such as bacteria, germs, and chemicals from the air that can trigger allergies, asthma, and other illnesses, thus, preventing the positively charged particles from being inhaled into the respiratory tract where they can trigger breathing and health problems.

The second option is UV air purifier is one that utilizes a germicidal UV lamp to destroy microorganisms like germs, bacteria, viruses, and mold. According to scientists over the last fifty years, the UV rays in sunlight are successful sterilizers of impurities in the air. Therefore, purifying the air indoors with a UV air cleaner is truly a logical and effective solution to improving one's health by preventing allergies, asthma attacks, and the spread of illnesses.

Activated carbon air filters also specialize in capturing and neutralizing chemicals, gases, odors, and cigarette smoke, which a HEPA filter cannot capture. Anti-bacterial pre-filters are also available in some ultraviolet air purification systems. This feature preserves the life of other filters and destroys bacteria by capturing the larger particles before they reach the other filters (i.e. HEPA and carbon activated filters); thus, minimizing the costs associated with replacement filters.

Some UV air purifiers utilize all of the options listed above. Although these are somewhat difficult to find, the results are extremely powerful because they utilize multiple methods of air purification and disinfection to rid the indoor air of harmful particulates that trigger a variety of ailments and health concerns.

Using the power of UV disinfection can alleviate many, if not all, of the symptoms associated with allergies, hay fever, colds, asthma, and other lung and respiratory illnesses. According to the 2004 National Center for Health Statistics, about 18.6 million adults and 6.7 million children have hay fever-an allergic reaction that occurs when the body identifies a normally harmless substance (i.e. pollen or any other allergy trigger) as an invading germ. In response to this, the immune system produces histamine to fight off the "intruder" and the chemical results in the itchy, watery eyes, runny nose, and sneezing that many associate with allergies. By using an ultraviolet air purification system, these symptoms can be eliminated and you can live a healthy life free from medications and costly health related issues.

hair loss prevention

UV Air Purifiers Help Rid Indoor Air of Persistent Pollutants

Curtains, couches, and carpets - could these possibly be common sources of air pollution? While many would quickly answer no, these porous household furnishings actually do contribute largely to air pollution that, according to the American Lung Association, eighty-seven percent of Americans fail to consider: the pollution of indoor air.

In fact, practically all surfaces found inside a building take in common, everyday chemicals, such as cleaning supplies and pesticides, and continue to release these harmful fumes back into the air long after their initial absorption. Consequently, unless action is taken to rid the air of these persistent pollutants, many buildings stay continuously contaminated.

Pollution of air does have a serious and direct effect on human health. For example, asthma, allergies, and cancers can often be linked to air pollution. And while many think of outdoor air as the primary culprit, the Environmental Protection Agency states that the air inside is actually two to ten times more polluted than that outdoors.

This dangerous indoor air pollution comes from many sources, including perfumes, fireplaces, pesticides, candles, smoking, cleaning supplies, dust, construction materials, mold, and people. Chemicals such as pesticides, for instance, which are created to kill insects and other pests, are made up of both active chemicals and inert solvents that are extremely toxic, and as mentioned above, are often re-released into the air for prolonged periods of time.

Therefore, because many of the sources of indoor pollution cannot be eliminated, the air itself must be disinfected. To do this, the United States Centers of Disease Control recommends using a UV air purifier that employs a HEPA filter along with ultraviolet light. In addition, the U.S. Department of Agriculture states that a UV clarifier which generates negative ions is highly effective in ridding the air of bacteria and dust.

Many UV air purifiers on the market incorporate all of these methods. Together, they are able to remove and/or kill virtually all particulates and micro-organisms found in the air. This is extremely important; while the hairs in our noses filter larger particles, smaller particulates pass through to our lungs, resulting in serious health risks.

A HEPA (high efficiency particulate air) filter will trap 99.97% of these dangerous particulates a minute as small as three-tenths of a micron (which is 1/25,400 of an inch). Being trapped by the UV clarifier, they cannot again enter the air. Depending on the amount of pollution in the air, A HEPA filter often lasts several years, making the ultraviolet air purification system extremely cost-effective.

Some of the particulates passing through a UV air purifier are micro-organisms, such as bacteria, viruses, and mold. As these microbes pass by the ultraviolet germicidal light, their DNA is mutated, making it impossible for them to reproduce and grow. The HEPA filter works with the ultraviolet light as it captures hazardous microbes, allowing the ultraviolet light of the UV clarifier ample time to destroy all micro-organisms and render emitted air harmless.

Finally, negative ions work to attract positively-charged fine particles, including dust and mold spores. As negative ions attach to the positive particulates, they form clumps, become heavy, and fall to surfaces where they can be vacuumed or dusted. As these positively-charged fine particles are pulled from the air, a host of dead skin, dust mites, and bacteria, which would be inhaled, are removed, leaving the air safe to breathe.

In addition to a HEPA filter, ultraviolet light, and negative ion generation, it is important that an ultraviolet air purification system employ a fan. Just as placing the fan of an HVAC system in the constant-on position will help the system's filter trap contaminants as air moves through, an ultraviolet air purification system must produce a constant flow in order to keep air moving through the UV clarifier so hazardous particulates can be trapped and killed.

Indoor air quality, according to the EPA, ranks number one as the United States' environmental health problem. Therefore, every piece of technology that can be utilized by a UV air purifier should be incorporated as each plays an important role in the effectiveness of an ultraviolet air purification system. The HEPA filter, ultraviolet germicidal light, negative ions, and fan work together to rid indoor air of pollutants that will persist unless action is taken against this dangerous pollution.

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Thursday, October 18, 2007

Chemical Sensitivity: Alleviating the Acute Ailments

Studies show that seventeen to thirty-four percent of Americans experience symptoms related to extreme chemical sensitivities. For these sufferers, the slightest amount of chemical, undetectable to the average person, can result in a multitude of mild to severe ailments ranging from decreased concentration to sinus trouble to acute abdominal pain. While avoiding all chemicals is clearly the ultimate remedy for this disorder, controlling the air of an environment is usually a much more feasible solution.

Multiple chemical sensitivity, as its name suggests, is characterized by an extreme sensitivity to multiple chemicals. This sensitivity affects various systems of the body and can result in a wide array of symptoms, including digestive upset, headaches, chronic fatigue, memory loss, muscle pain, numbness, and ear, nose, and throat irritation. It is a chronic disorder which improves when the chemical sources triggering the symptoms are not present.

Also referred to as MCS, multiple chemical sensitivity is believed to occur when a person becomes "sensitized" to a certain chemical, often due to heightened exposure. Once this sensitization occurs, any contact with even the slightest amount of that chemical can result in a severe allergic reaction. Even more aggravating to the sufferer is that this sensitivity expands to include many other toxicants which are often a part of everyday life, such as medications, raw fuels, paint, pesticides, food additives, new carpet, scented products, and solvents.

While avoiding these chemicals is improbable, it is important to do everything possible to eliminate chemicals which trigger a reaction as any repeated contact will only heighten sensitivity. Once the chemical sources are addressed, air purification can help to maintain an uncontaminated environment. This is crucial as even a trace amount of irritant, unobserved by and harmless to most people, can cause a severe reaction in those with MCS.

An ultraviolet air purification system that produces hydroxyl radicals and negative ions is a proven means of reducing chemical pollutants in indoor air. Both hydroxyls and negative ions are a natural part of the earth's atmosphere, and both are known to be significant cleansers of outdoor air pollution. Scientists have incorporated this knowledge into the technology of a UV air purifier to eliminate hazardous pollutants, such as mold, bacteria, and chemicals, from indoor air in the same way these natural cleansers work outdoors.

Hydroxyl radicals are, in fact, Earth's most powerful natural cleansers, and a UV air purifier utilizes technology that employs UV lighting to accomplish the same effect. As air passes through the ultraviolet air purification system, hydrogen atoms in the air's humidity are pulled from water molecules by ultraviolet light, creating the hydroxyls, which are then released into the air. These hydroxyl radicals not only reduce chemical fumes but are also effective against other pollutants, including viruses and bacteria.

Negative ions work in a different manner to eliminate pollutants. In the earth's natural atmosphere, these ions are formed as air molecules split due to ultraviolet light and moving air or water. In a UV air purifier, the ions are created in the same way with the help of artificial UV lighting and a fan, which moves air through the ultraviolet air purification system. Upon being released by the purifier, the negative ions attract positively charged particulates, such as chemicals and dust, forming clumps which become heavy and fall out of the air.

Besides assisting in the creation of hydroxyl radicals and negative ions, UV lighting has its own natural benefits, and a UV air purifier utilizes this understanding as well as the technology of a HEPA filter. While a HEPA filter traps miniscule particulates, ultraviolet light breaks down the DNA of hazardous micro-organisms, rendering them harmless. When all of these agents (UV lighting, hydroxyls, negative ions, and a filter) are incorporated, a purifier is able to eliminate not only chemicals but virtually all pollutants.

While an ultraviolet air purification system can do much to reduce chemical fumes, it is important to remember that eliminating any exposure to chemical triggers is the ultimate remedy for multiple chemical sensitivity. Once everything possible has been done to remove the chemical sources, the technologies associated with ultraviolet light can help to maintain air quality, alleviating symptoms of MCS as well as providing health benefits for all who breath in the fresh air.

Tips for Managing Asthma

Asthma is a chronic disease that affects your airways. Asthma is defined simply as reversible airway obstruction. Asthma is characterised by attacks of breathlessness, tight chest, wheezing and coughing which are caused by the airways becoming narrowed and inflamed. Some people may have these symptoms all of the time and others may be normal between attacks. The inflammation makes the airways very sensitive, and they tend to react strongly to things that you are allergic to or find irritating. When the airways react, they get narrower, and less air flows through to your lung tissue. Signs of an asthmatic episode include wheezing, rapid breathing (tachypnea), prolonged expiration, a rapid heart rate (tachycardia), rhonchous lung sounds (audible through a stethoscope), and over-inflation of the chest. Asthma attacks are not all the same-some are worse than others. In a severe asthma attack, the airways can close so much that not enough oxygen gets to vital organs. This condition is a medical emergency. People can die from severe asthma attacks.

Asthma attacks can be caused by many things like exercise, cold air, allergies, and breathing in certain chemicals. A person having an asthma attack should use an inhaler or go and see a doctor for a prescription. Asthma is treated with two kinds of medicines: quick-relief medicines to stop asthma symptoms and long-term control medicines to prevent symptoms. Desensitization to allergens has been shown to be a treatment option for certain patients. Short-acting, selective beta2-adrenoceptor agonists, such as salbutamol (albuterol USAN), levalbuterol, terbutaline and bitolterol. Current treatment protocols recommend prevention medications such as an inhaled corticosteroid, which helps to suppress inflammation and reduces the swelling of the lining of the airways. Tremors, the major side effect, have been greatly reduced by inhaled delivery, which allows the drug to target the lungs specifically; oral and injected medications are delivered throughout the body. Currently available long-acting beta2-adrenoceptor agonists include salmeterol, formoterol, bambuterol, and sustained-release oral albuterol.

Corticosteroids help decrease the frequency of your attacks and reduce the need for other medications you may use to control your symptoms. Nebulizers may be helpful to some patients experiencing a severe attack. Salbutamol and terbutaline inhalers are the most common relieving inhalers. Heliox, a mixture of helium and oxygen, may be used in a hospital setting. Guaifenesin, an expectorant available over the counter, may have a small effect in managing thickened bronchial mucus. Anti-Inflammatory medications for asthma are the most important treatment for asthma control; they help prevent swelling and decrease secretions within the airways in people with asthma. Some asthma medications are used for quick relief of asthma symptoms, others to control this chronic condition. Long-acting beta-2 agonists, such as salmeterol (Serevent Diskus) and formoterol (Foradil), last at least 12 hours. These corticosteroids - including prednisone, methylprednisolone, hydrocortisone and others - may be taken to treat acute asthma attacks or very severe asthma.

Asthma Treatment Tips

1.Leukotriene modifiers (montelukast, zafirlukast, and zileuton), which are used either alone to treat mild persistent asthma.

2. Cromolyn and nedocromil, which are used to treat mild persistent asthma.

3. Theophylline, which is used either alone to treat mild persistent asthma or together with inhaled corticosteroids to treat moderate persistent asthma.

4. Long-term use of corticosteroids can have many side effects including a redistribution of fat, increased appetite, blood glucose problems and weight gain.

5. Deposition of steroids in the mouth may cause a hoarse voice or oral thrush (due to decreased immunity).

6. Leukotriene modifiers (montelukast, zafirlukast, pranlukast, and zileuton).

7. Mast cell stabilizers (cromoglicate (cromolyn), and nedocromil).

8. Antimuscarinics/anticholinergics (ipratropium, oxitropium, and tiotropium), which have a mixed reliever and preventer effect.

9. Methylxanthines (theophylline and aminophylline), which are sometimes considered if sufficient control cannot be achieved with inhaled glucocorticoids and long-acting ?agonists alone.

10. Antihistamines, often used to treat allergic symptoms that may underlie the chronic inflammation.

11. Methotrexate is occasionally used in some difficult-to-treat patients.

12. Guaifenesin, an expectorant available over the counter, may have a small effect in managing thickened bronchial mucus.

Asthma, Allergies, and the Atmosphere's Cure

Coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath - these symptoms are all too familiar to those who suffer from asthma. Sadly, the number of people being diagnosed with this lung disorder is on the rise and has been since the late 1980's. Allergies, too, have become of high concern with over twenty percent of children and adults in America suffering from allergic disorders, making allergies the sixth leading cause of chronic illness in the United States.

A variety of factors can be attributed to this rise in the number of respiratory illnesses in America, including the spread of air pollution, a decrease in sufficient building ventilation due to airtight building materials, and an increase in the number of positive ions (greatly generated by electromagnetic fields) circulating in modernized environments. While outdoor air pollution is a concern, indoor air, which is known to be two to ten times more polluted than that outdoors, appears to be the greater culprit.

Negative ions, as created in the earth's natural atmosphere, actually work to counteract these effects. In nature, these ions form as a result of moving or evaporating water. For instance, as water flows over a waterfall, electrons from the neutral water molecules are easily disturbed. When an electron escapes, it then attaches itself to another nearby particle. If the resulting atom or molecule contains more electrons than protons, a negative charge is created and, thus, a negative ion.

Around areas such as waterfalls and beaches, these negative ions are abundant. Upon visiting such places, many sufferers of allergies and/or asthma experience immediate relief from their symptoms; some who are able to relocate to these settings even claim to be cured completely. Numerous studies have proven the natural benefits of negative ions, demonstrating their positive effects on the body as well as their ability to remove pollutants, literally, from the air.

In modern environments filled with positive ions and pollution, the number of negative ions in the air is greatly lacking. However, the technology of negative ion generators, as used in many homes, offices, and hospitals, has helped to counteract this depletion. Just as negative ions work in nature to alleviate the symptoms of allergies and asthma, manmade air ionizers can accomplish the same effect. In one study, for example, patients felt so much better after fifteen minutes of being exposed to such an air ionizer that they did not want to leave.

One reason negative ion generators work so efficiently is due to the negative ions' ability to actually remove triggering pollutants from the air. Upon being released from an air ionizer, these negatively charged ions attract positively charged particulates, including allergens and other air pollutants such as smoke, dust, mold, pollen, and animal dander. As these positively charged pollutants and negative ions form clusters, they become heavy and fall out of the air to surfaces where they can be easily vacuumed or dusted away rather than inhaled.

In addition to removing triggering particles from the air, negative ions provide many other benefits which help alleviate symptoms associated with asthma and allergies. For instance, studies have shown that negative ions actually appear to neutralize the effects allergens and other pollutants have on the respiratory system. When these ions are inhaled, breathing becomes easier, respiration is stabilized, and the activity of the respiratory system's cilia is increased, allowing the body to filter out polluting particles more efficiently.

The benefits of negative ions are so strongly proven that many sufferers of allergies and asthma are able to rely less on other treatments or even to forego the use of medicine completely. Air ionizers have further been used in treating many other respiratory illnesses, including sinusitis, emphysema, and bronchitis. While positive ions prolong physical recovery, accelerate respiration, and decrease cilia activity, negative ions counteract these effects, making the benefits of negative ions extraordinary.

In environments where pollution and technology allow positive ions to thrive, negative ion generators can help to counteract their effects and allow those residing in such settings to experience the many benefits of negative ions. Sufferers of allergies and asthma who have experienced these positive effects can attest to the fact that negative ions provide exceptional relief. In fact, anyone who has been exposed to a negative ion generator can benefit from these charged particles, just as if breathing in the ocean air.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Air Ionization Improves Driver Awareness

"A driver is a king on a vinyl bucket seat throne, changing direction with the turn of a wheel, changing the climate with a flick of the button, changing the music with the switch of a dial." -- Andrew H. Malcolm

Driving often gives a sense of freedom, a sense of control, but it can also bring feelings of irritation, fatigue, and illness. Those who drive often know the frustrations of long drives, traffic jams, and tainted air. But without exception, drivers must maintain a constant awareness of the road. Sleepiness, health concerns, and aggravations caused by other drivers play no part in a driver's responsibility to maintain total control.

Unfortunately, these feelings of irritation and fatigue are only enhanced by an excess of positive ions resulting from the pollution and electromagnetic fields of modernized environments. In contrast, negative ions, which are found in natural abundance around waterfalls, near beaches, and after thunderstorms, can neutralize the effects of these harmful particles, thus, promoting the alertness necessary for safe driving. Air ionizers, created specifically for vehicles, make these results possible.

Polluted air is actually a leading factor resulting in fatigue, health concerns, and irritable driving. Although many fail to consider its significance, pollution can lead to numerous ailments, including respiratory illnesses and cardiovascular concerns, especially for those who must spend excessive time in the car. Air conditioning only furthers the problem as pollutants, such as exhaust fumes, dust, pollen, smoke, and bacteria, are forced to re-circulate throughout the vehicle in an endless cycle.

One of the benefits of negative ions, as produced by air ionizers, lies in their ability to rid the air of harmful pollutants, working in vehicles just as they do in nature. Upon release, these negatively charged ions attract positively charged particulates, including allergens, fumes, and other contaminants. As these pollutants and negative ions cluster together, they become heavy and ultimately fall out of the air to surfaces where they can be vacuumed or dusted away rather than inhaled.

In addition to causing health concerns, pollution-filled environments contribute to feelings of depression, moodiness, and impatience. These emotions, which are proven to be a direct result of excessive positive ions, can be alleviated with the help of a negative ionizer. Just as negative ions in the atmosphere around a waterfall or after a lightning storm create a sense of calm, the same charged particles emitted from air ionizers can effectively counteract these feelings of moodiness in the vehicle.

Drivers often experience such feelings of impatience and moodiness while on the road yet are unaware of their source. Still, the same drivers are aware that opening a window and letting in some fresh air - or inadvertently letting out the stale air - almost always helps. Air ionizers allow drivers to breathe such fresh air consistently, even while driving in air-conditioned vehicles. Utilizing a negative ionizer has been proven to improve mood, reduce irritability, and create a much more relaxed and positive state of mind.

The benefits of negative ions in the vehicle extend even beyond improving health and lifting mood; these beneficial ions can actually promote safer driving. As a negative ionizer emits these charged particles, drivers remain refreshed with the same type of energy experienced in naturally ionized environments, such as along the beach. With the help of negative ions, feelings of sleepiness and fuzziness that often result from long drives are greatly reduced, even eliminated.

Along with allowing drivers to stay refreshed and alert, ions released from a negative ionizer offer even greater results by promoting safer driving. While studying the benefits of negative ions just after World War II, scientists discovered that these ions actually increase attention span, enhance concentration, and improve reaction time. With such outcomes, safer driving can easily be achieved, and drivers using the benefits of negative ions can remain refreshed, healthy, and in complete control.

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